Robot tosaerba

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    Grossomodo pure io.. ma variano gli Amp... ogni tot fa il controllo carica e gli da un colpetto per tenerlo al 100%.

    Questa sera avrò i dati della batteria.. poi magari studio perchè lo stronzetto non si carica.. anche se la base è appoggiata male sul bordo del prato.. e ce lo infilo a mano.. magari non è predisposto mentalmente per ricaricarsi ehehe

    PS hanno fatto bene a mettere la batteria sotto.. quando è sotto la stecca del sole è parecchio caldo.. a tempo debito gli farò la casetta.. ambrogio la casetta ce l'aveva in dotazione.. questo ha bisogno della casetta "passante"



    CITAZIONE (Fringui75 @ 15/5/2017, 14:48) 
    .. ho visto che ne sito dei suggerimenti c'è già tanta roba interessante..

    Link? In un intervento dei crucchi mi era parso di capire che il team di sviluppatori è italiano.



    Wow.. se così fosse voglio sorgenti firmware e sorgenti app!! ;)



    CITAZIONE (Fringui75 @ 15/5/2017, 15:33) 
    Grossomodo pure io.. ma variano gli Amp... ogni tot fa il controllo carica e gli da un colpetto per tenerlo al 100%.

    Questa sera avrò i dati della batteria.. poi magari studio perchè lo stronzetto non si carica.. anche se la base è appoggiata male sul bordo del prato.. e ce lo infilo a mano.. magari non è predisposto mentalmente per ricaricarsi ehehe

    PS hanno fatto bene a mettere la batteria sotto.. quando è sotto la stecca del sole è parecchio caldo.. a tempo debito gli farò la casetta.. ambrogio la casetta ce l'aveva in dotazione.. questo ha bisogno della casetta "passante"

    Anche nei log dei crucchi ho notato la strategia del "colpetto periodico" per tenerlo sempre carico..comprensibile, ma anche un bello stress per la batteria. Pubblica il log quando lo hai scaricato.
    Una lamiera ad L dovrebbe andar bene come casetta: lo ripari da sole e pioggia diretti ma lo tieni anche ben ventilato per evitare formazione di umidità.

    Ma il wifi è temporizzabile? Sicuramente ciuccia non poca batteria!



    Vedo che Fringui, che sei uno smanettone ti stai l'avrei già preso e buttato nel primo centro di raccolta differenziata.
    Io penso che una persona che decide di acquistare un robot tagliaerba, lo fa per risparmiare tempo ed avere il prato sempre in ordine e con zero fatica..
    Ma se bisogna passare ore su siti internet, con chiavette usb per fare aggiornamenti.......non mi sembra il massimo....



    CITAZIONE (IngMaxim @ 15/5/2017, 15:45) 
    Una lamiera ad L dovrebbe andar bene come casetta: lo ripari da sole e pioggia diretti ma lo tieni anche ben ventilato per evitare formazione di umidità.
    Ma il wifi è temporizzabile? Sicuramente ciuccia non poca batteria!

    Nein, nulla di temporizzabile...
    Lamiera a tempo debito.. magari lo faccio in pvc o alluminio sfruttando qualche scarto in magazzino ;)

    CITAZIONE (Cay Paul @ 15/5/2017, 15:50) 
    Vedo che Fringui, che sei uno smanettone ti stai l'avrei già preso e buttato nel primo centro di raccolta differenziata.
    Io penso che una persona che decide di acquistare un robot tagliaerba, lo fa per risparmiare tempo ed avere il prato sempre in ordine e con zero fatica..
    Ma se bisogna passare ore su siti internet, con chiavette usb per fare aggiornamenti.......non mi sembra il massimo....

    In realtà non è che ci ho dedicato molto tempo.. lo sto aggiornando più per curiosità per vedere i miglioramenti dei nuovi firmware.. Se non lo avessi mai aggiornato magari non avrebbe avuto nessun problema... al momento l'unica incognita è la carica..
    Parlare di ore mi sembra eccessivo.. ad aggiornare il firmware ci vanno circa 5 minuti tra download e aggiornamento..
    Appena avrò un prato.. sicuramente lavorerà come si deve.. per la cronaca ho già massacrato le prime lame.. che non cambierò finchè non avrò un giardino degno di tale nome ;) :rotflmao.gif:

    PS Non è che con la rotex alcuni personaggi ci smanazzano meno ;)
    Se tutti potessero avere il log sulla rotex come su questo tagliaerba e aggiornamenti firmware così continui.. mi sa che qui tutti la truserebbero..

    Per la cronaca.. il changelog del firmware con relative date..
    db510 v2.01 14-03-2017.pck
    Testing release

    db510 v2.04 20-03-2017.pck
    First public release called "Amaranthus 1.0"
    provides ability to connect to app

    db510 v2.12 28-03-2017.pck
    tackles WiFi connection issues
    fixes "going home" problems

    db510 v2.14 03-04-2017.pck
    charging issues (mower shutting off) fixes

    db510 v2.16 15-04-2017.pck
    WiFi fixes again, this time including support for new app feature that shows WiFi quality

    db510 v2.17 18-04-2017.pck
    fixes problems at large or "badly formed" islands, mower should now detect them better so it does not run into empty battery by looping.
    How this works from 2.17 onward: it detects turns to the right, if this adds up to 360 degrees+120 degrees AND is no longer than 35meters island is detected

    db510 v2.18 19-04-2017.pck
    fixes an error, where the mower could not get to zones and stops when cut-to-edge is performed as scheduled

    db510 v2.20 20-04-2017.pck
    New WiFi Firmware 4.2, reading WiFi firmware 3 times if error occurs

    db510 v2.24 21-04-2017.pck
    New LOCK mechanism (Landroid keeps working in LOCK state, gets BLOCKED/stops working if there is no connection to app for 3 days). Also testing of new island detection - island size max 35 meters (detects 360 degrees, subtracts "wrong" turns to allow more island shapes)

    db510 v2.26 29-04-2017.pck
    improves going home driving procedure
    improves finding home errors
    improves trap detection at wire (trapped recovery procedure at wire)
    Still has TESTING of new LOCK mechanism (see db510 v2.24 21-04-2017.pck)



    CITAZIONE (Fringui75 @ 15/5/2017, 16:01) 
    CITAZIONE (IngMaxim @ 15/5/2017, 15:45) 
    Una lamiera ad L dovrebbe andar bene come casetta: lo ripari da sole e pioggia diretti ma lo tieni anche ben ventilato per evitare formazione di umidità.
    Ma il wifi è temporizzabile? Sicuramente ciuccia non poca batteria!

    Nein, nulla di temporizzabile...
    Lamiera a tempo debito.. magari lo faccio in pvc o alluminio sfruttando qualche scarto in magazzino ;)

    CITAZIONE (Cay Paul @ 15/5/2017, 15:50) 
    Vedo che Fringui, che sei uno smanettone ti stai l'avrei già preso e buttato nel primo centro di raccolta differenziata.
    Io penso che una persona che decide di acquistare un robot tagliaerba, lo fa per risparmiare tempo ed avere il prato sempre in ordine e con zero fatica..
    Ma se bisogna passare ore su siti internet, con chiavette usb per fare aggiornamenti.......non mi sembra il massimo....

    In realtà non è che ci ho dedicato molto tempo.. lo sto aggiornando più per curiosità per vedere i miglioramenti dei nuovi firmware.. Se non lo avessi mai aggiornato magari non avrebbe avuto nessun problema... al momento l'unica incognita è la carica..
    Parlare di ore mi sembra eccessivo.. ad aggiornare il firmware ci vanno circa 5 minuti tra download e aggiornamento..
    Appena avrò un prato.. sicuramente lavorerà come si deve.. per la cronaca ho già massacrato le prime lame.. che non cambierò finchè non avrò un giardino degno di tale nome ;) :rotflmao.gif:

    PS Non è che con la rotex alcuni personaggi ci smanazzano meno ;)
    Se tutti potessero avere il log sulla rotex come su questo tagliaerba e aggiornamenti firmware così continui.. mi sa che qui tutti la truserebbero..

    Per la cronaca.. il changelog del firmware con relative date..
    db510 v2.01 14-03-2017.pck
    Testing release

    db510 v2.04 20-03-2017.pck
    First public release called "Amaranthus 1.0"
    provides ability to connect to app

    db510 v2.12 28-03-2017.pck
    tackles WiFi connection issues
    fixes "going home" problems

    db510 v2.14 03-04-2017.pck
    charging issues (mower shutting off) fixes

    db510 v2.16 15-04-2017.pck
    WiFi fixes again, this time including support for new app feature that shows WiFi quality

    db510 v2.17 18-04-2017.pck
    fixes problems at large or "badly formed" islands, mower should now detect them better so it does not run into empty battery by looping.
    How this works from 2.17 onward: it detects turns to the right, if this adds up to 360 degrees+120 degrees AND is no longer than 35meters island is detected

    db510 v2.18 19-04-2017.pck
    fixes an error, where the mower could not get to zones and stops when cut-to-edge is performed as scheduled

    db510 v2.20 20-04-2017.pck
    New WiFi Firmware 4.2, reading WiFi firmware 3 times if error occurs

    db510 v2.24 21-04-2017.pck
    New LOCK mechanism (Landroid keeps working in LOCK state, gets BLOCKED/stops working if there is no connection to app for 3 days). Also testing of new island detection - island size max 35 meters (detects 360 degrees, subtracts "wrong" turns to allow more island shapes)

    db510 v2.26 29-04-2017.pck
    improves going home driving procedure
    improves finding home errors
    improves trap detection at wire (trapped recovery procedure at wire)
    Still has TESTING of new LOCK mechanism (see db510 v2.24 21-04-2017.pck)

    Io con il mio attuale robot (....toccandomi le parti basse....) dopo due anni di lavoro continuo, a parte un cambio lame, dove ci vogliono si e non 2 minuti con un cacciavite, non ho mai dovuto fargli niente di niente.....
    Neanche pulirlo, perchè con il sistema di taglio che ha non è mai sporco.....
    Il precedente erano più le volte che non partiva, o non si caricava, o si fermava in mezzo al prato in preda a raptsus compulsivi in cui cominciava a girare su se stesso.....e poi la calotta era sempre sporca....bisognava pulirlo settimanalmente.....

    Il tuo è nuovo.....e già con problemi.....mi lascia perplesso....
    Un utente normale come potrei essere io, se il robot ad esempio non si carica cosa dovrebbe fare???
    C'è un centro assistenza per la riparazione? Cavolo il robot è in garanzia....



    C'è il numero verde.. e chiede, ma ripeto.. il mio non è propriamente montato correttamente.. quindi non posso pretendere che funzioni anche a dovere.
    Quando sarà sistemato come da manuale.. vedrò.. al momento ci pasticcio.. perchè mi piace.

    Un utente "normale" avrebbe detto.. no no.. costa troppo poco.. spendo il doppio perchè ho più garanzie, il fai da te non fa per me.



    CITAZIONE (Fringui75 @ 15/5/2017, 16:28) 
    C'è il numero verde.. e chiede, ma ripeto.. il mio non è propriamente montato correttamente.. quindi non posso pretendere che funzioni anche a dovere.
    Quando sarà sistemato come da manuale.. vedrò.. al momento ci pasticcio.. perchè mi piace.

    Un utente "normale" avrebbe detto.. no no.. costa troppo poco.. spendo il doppio perchè ho più garanzie, il fai da te non fa per me.

    Sicuramente il prezzo è competitivo, ma se non ho visto male da Leroy Merlin costa 799€
    Un Husquavrna Automowe 105 su internet, compreso base di carica e kit installazione sei a 1250€........

    C'è quindi differenza, ma secondo me non così si pensa ad una macchina che deve durare per un lungo periodo.



    Appena sarà installato come da manuale.. verificherò se è così inutilizzabile e quanti problemi avrà...
    Chi ha comprato il mio l'ha pagato 699€ se non ricordo male..



    Ed ecco il log completo che ha memorizzato..
    Ho notato che ha un buffer e l'ha già superato, quindi le righe non arrivano
    più a zero come nei primi...
    Batteria carica a 20.5 ma lettura differente nei mA

    Date: 15/05/2017
    model: Landroid S
    fw Ver: 2.26
    wifi Mac Address: F0FE6B20D3BA
    Battery recharged: 19 Times
    Blade running time: 114 min
    Total work time: 125 min
    Total distance: 806 m
    #00001 - 15/05/2017 19:07:20 - [wifi] - Connected
    #00002 - 15/05/2017 19:07:19 - Landroid at home
    #00003 - 15/05/2017 19:07:18 - Landroid in idle state 22.1°C 20.03 Volt
    #00004 - 15/05/2017 19:07:14 - [wifi] - Reset
    #00005 - 15/05/2017 19:07:14 - Power On v: 2.26
    #00006 - 14/05/2017 12:01:58 - Battery Charge Successfully Ended! 26.3°C 20.50Volt 1258mA
    #00007 - 14/05/2017 12:01:58 - Battery Charge Started! 26.5°C 16.05Volt #19
    #00008 - 14/05/2017 12:01:58 - Power On v: 2.26
    #00009 - 14/05/2017 12:00:37 - Battery Charge Successfully Ended! 26.3°C 20.50Volt 1254mA
    #00010 - 14/05/2017 12:00:37 - Battery Charge Started! 26.3°C 15.84Volt #18
    #00011 - 14/05/2017 12:00:37 - Power On v: 2.26
    #00012 - 14/05/2017 08:56:19 - Battery Charge Successfully Ended! 18.9°C 20.50Volt 1221mA
    #00013 - 14/05/2017 08:56:19 - Battery Charge Started! 19.0°C 16.03Volt #17
    #00014 - 14/05/2017 08:56:19 - Power On v: 2.26
    #00015 - 14/05/2017 08:55:23 - Battery Charge Successfully Ended! 18.9°C 20.50Volt 1223mA
    #00016 - 14/05/2017 08:55:23 - Battery Charge Started! 18.9°C 15.93Volt #16
    #00017 - 14/05/2017 08:55:23 - Power On v: 2.26
    #00018 - 14/05/2017 08:55:23 - Shutdown 20.38Volt
    #00019 - 14/05/2017 08:55:23 - Power Off Button Pressed
    #00020 - 14/05/2017 08:55:00 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #00021 - 14/05/2017 08:55:00 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 436, type:l
    #00022 - 14/05/2017 08:55:00 - [wifi] - Mqtt Connection Successful
    #00023 - 14/05/2017 08:54:47 - [wifi] - Connected
    #00024 - 14/05/2017 08:54:46 - Landroid at home
    #00025 - 14/05/2017 08:54:34 - Battery Charge Started! 18.8°C 15.74Volt #15
    #00026 - 14/05/2017 08:54:34 - [wifi] - Reset
    #00027 - 14/05/2017 08:54:34 - Power On v: 2.26
    #00028 - 13/05/2017 21:32:25 - Battery Charge Successfully Ended! 29.4°C 20.50Volt 1351mA
    #00029 - 13/05/2017 21:32:25 - Battery Charge Started! 29.6°C 16.07Volt #14
    #00030 - 13/05/2017 21:32:25 - Power On v: 2.26
    #00031 - 13/05/2017 20:47:08 - Battery Charge Successfully Ended! 29.4°C 20.50Volt 1300mA
    #00032 - 13/05/2017 20:47:08 - Battery Charge Started! 24.3°C 14.16Volt #13
    #00033 - 13/05/2017 20:47:08 - Power On v: 2.26
    #00034 - 13/05/2017 20:46:51 - Shutdown 17.83Volt
    #00035 - 13/05/2017 20:46:51 - Power Off Button Pressed
    #00036 - 13/05/2017 20:46:49 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #00037 - 13/05/2017 20:46:49 - Landroid in idle state 24.4°C 17.61 Volt
    #00038 - 13/05/2017 20:46:49 - Total statistics: 806m, 125min, blade on time: 114min
    #00039 - 13/05/2017 20:46:49 - Current cut statistics: 186m, 55min, blade on time: 54min
    #00040 - 13/05/2017 20:46:49 - Stop button pressed
    #00041 - 13/05/2017 20:46:49 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 436, type:l
    #00042 - 13/05/2017 20:46:45 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: drive wheel src
    #00043 - 13/05/2017 20:45:49 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00044 - 13/05/2017 20:45:44 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: drive wheel src
    #00045 - 13/05/2017 20:44:59 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00046 - 13/05/2017 20:44:54 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: drive wheel src
    #00047 - 13/05/2017 20:44:19 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00048 - 13/05/2017 20:44:13 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: drive wheel src
    #00049 - 13/05/2017 20:44:05 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00050 - 13/05/2017 20:44:00 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: drive wheel src
    #00051 - 13/05/2017 20:43:14 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00052 - 13/05/2017 20:43:09 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: drive wheel src
    #00053 - 13/05/2017 20:43:07 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00054 - 13/05/2017 20:43:02 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: drive wheel src
    #00055 - 13/05/2017 20:42:59 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00056 - 13/05/2017 20:42:54 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: drive wheel src
    #00057 - 13/05/2017 20:42:52 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00058 - 13/05/2017 20:42:47 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: drive wheel src
    #00059 - 13/05/2017 20:42:44 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00060 - 13/05/2017 20:42:39 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: drive wheel src
    #00061 - 13/05/2017 20:42:36 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00062 - 13/05/2017 20:42:31 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: drive wheel src
    #00063 - 13/05/2017 20:42:28 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00064 - 13/05/2017 20:42:24 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: drive wheel src
    #00065 - 13/05/2017 20:42:20 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00066 - 13/05/2017 20:42:15 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: drive wheel src
    #00067 - 13/05/2017 20:42:09 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00068 - 13/05/2017 20:42:04 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: drive wheel src
    #00069 - 13/05/2017 20:42:02 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00070 - 13/05/2017 20:41:47 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: drive wheel src
    #00071 - 13/05/2017 20:41:42 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00072 - 13/05/2017 20:41:26 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: drive wheel src
    #00073 - 13/05/2017 20:41:23 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00074 - 13/05/2017 20:40:55 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: drive wheel src
    #00075 - 13/05/2017 20:40:49 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00076 - 13/05/2017 20:40:44 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: drive wheel src
    #00077 - 13/05/2017 20:39:50 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00078 - 13/05/2017 20:39:46 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: drive wheel src
    #00079 - 13/05/2017 20:39:37 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00080 - 13/05/2017 20:39:21 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: drive wheel src
    #00081 - 13/05/2017 20:39:18 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00082 - 13/05/2017 20:39:13 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: drive wheel src
    #00083 - 13/05/2017 20:39:10 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00084 - 13/05/2017 20:39:04 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: drive wheel src
    #00085 - 13/05/2017 20:38:27 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00086 - 13/05/2017 20:38:20 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: unknown src
    #00087 - 13/05/2017 20:38:08 - Landroid lift recovery procedure
    #00088 - 13/05/2017 20:10:34 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: drive wheel src
    #00089 - 13/05/2017 20:10:27 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00090 - 13/05/2017 20:10:22 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: drive wheel src
    #00091 - 13/05/2017 20:10:21 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00092 - 13/05/2017 20:10:13 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: drive wheel src
    #00093 - 13/05/2017 20:10:04 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00094 - 13/05/2017 20:09:59 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: drive wheel src
    #00095 - 13/05/2017 20:09:52 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00096 - 13/05/2017 20:04:32 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: drive wheel src
    #00097 - 13/05/2017 20:04:31 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00098 - 13/05/2017 20:04:24 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: front wheel src
    #00099 - 13/05/2017 20:04:08 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00100 - 13/05/2017 20:04:03 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: drive wheel src
    #00101 - 13/05/2017 20:03:33 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00102 - 13/05/2017 20:03:15 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: drive wheel src
    #00103 - 13/05/2017 20:01:46 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00104 - 13/05/2017 20:01:41 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: drive wheel src
    #00105 - 13/05/2017 20:01:38 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00106 - 13/05/2017 20:01:32 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: drive wheel src
    #00107 - 13/05/2017 20:01:26 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00108 - 13/05/2017 20:01:19 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: drive wheel src
    #00109 - 13/05/2017 20:00:36 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00110 - 13/05/2017 20:00:20 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: drive wheel src
    #00111 - 13/05/2017 19:59:25 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00112 - 13/05/2017 19:59:20 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: drive wheel src
    #00113 - 13/05/2017 19:59:17 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00114 - 13/05/2017 19:59:12 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: drive wheel src
    #00115 - 13/05/2017 19:59:10 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00116 - 13/05/2017 19:59:05 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: drive wheel src
    #00117 - 13/05/2017 19:58:58 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00118 - 13/05/2017 19:58:43 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: drive wheel src
    #00119 - 13/05/2017 19:58:37 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00120 - 13/05/2017 19:58:32 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: drive wheel src
    #00121 - 13/05/2017 19:58:09 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00122 - 13/05/2017 19:58:04 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: drive wheel src
    #00123 - 13/05/2017 19:57:57 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00124 - 13/05/2017 19:57:43 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: drive wheel src
    #00125 - 13/05/2017 19:57:38 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00126 - 13/05/2017 19:57:13 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: drive wheel src
    #00127 - 13/05/2017 19:56:52 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00128 - 13/05/2017 19:56:47 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: front wheel src
    #00129 - 13/05/2017 19:56:33 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00130 - 13/05/2017 19:56:28 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: drive wheel src
    #00131 - 13/05/2017 19:56:20 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00132 - 13/05/2017 19:56:15 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: drive wheel src
    #00133 - 13/05/2017 19:55:47 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00134 - 13/05/2017 19:55:42 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: drive wheel src
    #00135 - 13/05/2017 19:55:35 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00136 - 13/05/2017 19:55:19 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: drive wheel src
    #00137 - 13/05/2017 19:55:17 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00138 - 13/05/2017 19:55:13 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: drive wheel src
    #00139 - 13/05/2017 19:55:10 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00140 - 13/05/2017 19:55:05 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: drive wheel src
    #00141 - 13/05/2017 19:55:02 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00142 - 13/05/2017 19:54:57 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: drive wheel src
    #00143 - 13/05/2017 19:54:55 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00144 - 13/05/2017 19:54:49 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: drive wheel src
    #00145 - 13/05/2017 19:54:46 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00146 - 13/05/2017 19:54:32 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: drive wheel src
    #00147 - 13/05/2017 19:54:26 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00148 - 13/05/2017 19:54:21 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: drive wheel src
    #00149 - 13/05/2017 19:54:19 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00150 - 13/05/2017 19:54:13 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: drive wheel src
    #00151 - 13/05/2017 19:54:06 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00152 - 13/05/2017 19:54:01 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: drive wheel src
    #00153 - 13/05/2017 19:53:58 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00154 - 13/05/2017 19:53:53 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: drive wheel src
    #00155 - 13/05/2017 19:53:51 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00156 - 13/05/2017 19:53:43 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: drive wheel src
    #00157 - 13/05/2017 19:53:42 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00158 - 13/05/2017 19:53:34 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: drive wheel src
    #00159 - 13/05/2017 19:53:33 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00160 - 13/05/2017 19:53:28 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: drive wheel src
    #00161 - 13/05/2017 19:53:24 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00162 - 13/05/2017 19:53:19 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: drive wheel src
    #00163 - 13/05/2017 19:53:11 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00164 - 13/05/2017 19:52:56 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: drive wheel src
    #00165 - 13/05/2017 19:52:54 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00166 - 13/05/2017 19:52:49 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: drive wheel src
    #00167 - 13/05/2017 19:52:46 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00168 - 13/05/2017 19:52:41 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: drive wheel src
    #00169 - 13/05/2017 19:52:39 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00170 - 13/05/2017 19:52:34 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: drive wheel src
    #00171 - 13/05/2017 19:52:27 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00172 - 13/05/2017 19:52:22 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: drive wheel src
    #00173 - 13/05/2017 19:52:19 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00174 - 13/05/2017 19:52:14 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: drive wheel src
    #00175 - 13/05/2017 19:51:39 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00176 - 13/05/2017 19:51:35 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: drive wheel src
    #00177 - 13/05/2017 19:51:32 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #00178 - 13/05/2017 19:51:32 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 434, type:l
    #00179 - 13/05/2017 19:51:32 - [wifi] - Mqtt Connection Successful
    #00180 - 13/05/2017 19:51:12 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00181 - 13/05/2017 19:51:09 - [wifi] - Connected
    #00182 - 13/05/2017 19:51:09 - Landroid start sequence
    #00183 - 13/05/2017 19:51:09 - Start button pressed
    #00184 - 13/05/2017 19:51:06 - Landroid in idle state 21.0°C 19.87 Volt
    #00185 - 13/05/2017 19:51:03 - [wifi] - Reset
    #00186 - 13/05/2017 19:51:03 - Power On v: 2.26
    #00187 - 13/05/2017 13:13:44 - Battery Charge Successfully Ended! 37.8°C 20.50Volt 1441mA
    #00188 - 13/05/2017 13:13:44 - Battery Charge Started! 37.3°C 15.77Volt #12
    #00189 - 13/05/2017 13:13:44 - Power On v: 2.26
    #00190 - 13/05/2017 13:13:43 - Shutdown 20.11Volt
    #00191 - 13/05/2017 13:13:43 - Power Off Button Pressed
    #00192 - 13/05/2017 13:13:43 - [wifi] - Connected
    #00193 - 13/05/2017 13:13:41 - Landroid at home
    #00194 - 13/05/2017 12:10:31 - Battery Charge Started! 26.9°C 14.00Volt #11
    #00195 - 13/05/2017 12:10:31 - Battery Trickle Charge Started! 27.2°C 9.73Volt
    #00196 - 13/05/2017 12:10:31 - [wifi] - Reset
    #00197 - 13/05/2017 12:10:31 - Power On v: 2.26
    #00198 - 13/05/2017 12:05:33 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #00199 - 13/05/2017 12:05:33 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 432, type:l
    #00200 - 13/05/2017 12:05:33 - [wifi] - Mqtt Connection Successful
    #00201 - 13/05/2017 12:05:21 - [wifi] - Connected
    #00202 - 13/05/2017 12:05:19 - Landroid in idle state 26.8°C 13.04 Volt
    #00203 - 13/05/2017 12:05:15 - [wifi] - Reset
    #00204 - 13/05/2017 12:05:15 - Power On v: 2.26
    #00205 - 13/05/2017 11:51:58 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #00206 - 13/05/2017 11:51:58 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 433, type:r
    #00207 - 13/05/2017 11:37:57 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #00208 - 13/05/2017 11:37:57 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 434, type:l
    #00209 - 13/05/2017 11:37:57 - [wifi] - Mqtt Connection Successful
    #00210 - 13/05/2017 11:37:42 - [wifi] - Connected
    #00211 - 13/05/2017 11:37:41 - Landroid in idle state 24.7°C 16.36 Volt
    #00212 - 13/05/2017 11:37:37 - [wifi] - Reset
    #00213 - 13/05/2017 11:37:37 - Power On v: 2.26
    #00214 - 13/05/2017 11:37:31 - Shutdown 16.35Volt
    #00215 - 13/05/2017 11:37:31 - Power Off Button Pressed
    #00216 - 13/05/2017 11:36:14 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #00217 - 13/05/2017 11:36:14 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 434, type:l
    #00218 - 13/05/2017 11:36:14 - [wifi] - Mqtt Connection Successful
    #00219 - 13/05/2017 11:35:50 - [wifi] - Connected
    #00220 - 13/05/2017 11:35:49 - Landroid in idle state 24.6°C 16.49 Volt
    #00221 - 13/05/2017 11:35:45 - [wifi] - Reset
    #00222 - 13/05/2017 11:35:45 - Power On v: 2.26
    #00223 - 13/05/2017 11:35:41 - Shutdown 16.49Volt
    #00224 - 13/05/2017 11:35:41 - Power Off Button Pressed
    #00225 - 13/05/2017 11:35:36 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #00226 - 13/05/2017 11:35:35 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 433, type:l
    #00227 - 13/05/2017 11:35:25 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #00228 - 13/05/2017 11:35:25 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 433, type:l
    #00229 - 13/05/2017 11:35:25 - [wifi] - Mqtt Connection Successful
    #00230 - 13/05/2017 11:35:13 - Landroid Upside Down -36.0pitch--3.9roll
    #00231 - 13/05/2017 11:35:01 - [wifi] - Connected
    #00232 - 13/05/2017 11:35:00 - Landroid in idle state 24.6°C 16.55 Volt
    #00233 - 13/05/2017 11:34:56 - [wifi] - Reset
    #00234 - 13/05/2017 11:34:56 - Power On v: 2.26
    #00235 - 13/05/2017 11:34:52 - Shutdown 16.56Volt
    #00236 - 13/05/2017 11:34:52 - Power Off Button Pressed
    #00237 - 13/05/2017 11:34:40 - [wifi] - Connected
    #00238 - 13/05/2017 11:34:39 - Landroid in idle state 24.6°C 16.59 Volt
    #00239 - 13/05/2017 11:34:35 - [wifi] - Reset
    #00240 - 13/05/2017 11:34:35 - Power On v: 2.26
    #00241 - 13/05/2017 10:08:32 - Shutdown 16.40Volt
    #00242 - 13/05/2017 10:08:32 - Landroid idle shutdown timer
    #00243 - 13/05/2017 09:48:32 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #00244 - 13/05/2017 09:48:32 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 433, type:l
    #00245 - 13/05/2017 09:48:30 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #00246 - 13/05/2017 09:48:30 - Landroid in idle state 26.4°C 16.48 Volt
    #00247 - 13/05/2017 09:48:30 - Total statistics: 620m, 70min, blade on time: 60min
    #00248 - 13/05/2017 09:48:30 - Current cut statistics: 13m, 2min, blade on time: 0min
    #00249 - 13/05/2017 09:48:30 - Stop button pressed
    #00250 - 13/05/2017 09:48:30 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 433, type:l
    #00251 - 13/05/2017 09:47:55 - Landroid following wire
    #00252 - 13/05/2017 09:47:54 - Landroid searching home
    #00253 - 13/05/2017 09:46:25 - Landroid following wire
    #00254 - 13/05/2017 09:46:23 - Landroid searching wire
    #00255 - 13/05/2017 09:46:23 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00256 - 13/05/2017 09:46:18 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: drive wheel src
    #00257 - 13/05/2017 09:46:18 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00258 - 13/05/2017 09:46:18 - Landroid searching wire
    #00259 - 13/05/2017 09:46:17 - Landroid following wire
    #00260 - 13/05/2017 09:46:12 - Landroid searching wire
    #00261 - 13/05/2017 09:46:12 - [Battery LOW] homing req, status: 26.0°C 16.32Volt
    #00262 - 13/05/2017 09:45:52 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #00263 - 13/05/2017 09:45:51 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00264 - 13/05/2017 09:45:51 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 433, type:l
    #00265 - 13/05/2017 09:45:48 - Landroid start sequence
    #00266 - 13/05/2017 09:45:48 - Start button pressed
    #00267 - 13/05/2017 09:45:48 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #00268 - 13/05/2017 09:45:48 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 433, type:l
    #00269 - 13/05/2017 09:43:58 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #00270 - 13/05/2017 09:43:58 - Landroid in idle state 25.9°C 16.67 Volt
    #00271 - 13/05/2017 09:43:58 - Total statistics: 607m, 68min, blade on time: 60min
    #00272 - 13/05/2017 09:43:58 - Current cut statistics: 16m, 2min, blade on time: 1min
    #00273 - 13/05/2017 09:43:58 - !ERROR! trapped sensor timeout (3s)
    #00274 - 13/05/2017 09:43:58 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 436, type:l
    #00275 - 13/05/2017 09:43:48 - Landroid following wire
    #00276 - 13/05/2017 09:43:47 - Landroid searching home
    #00277 - 13/05/2017 09:43:41 - Landroid following wire
    #00278 - 13/05/2017 09:43:40 - Landroid searching home
    #00279 - 13/05/2017 09:43:34 - Landroid following wire
    #00280 - 13/05/2017 09:43:33 - Landroid searching home
    #00281 - 13/05/2017 09:43:27 - Landroid following wire
    #00282 - 13/05/2017 09:43:26 - Landroid searching home
    #00283 - 13/05/2017 09:43:15 - Landroid following wire
    #00284 - 13/05/2017 09:43:13 - Landroid searching wire
    #00285 - 13/05/2017 09:43:13 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00286 - 13/05/2017 09:43:08 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: drive wheel src
    #00287 - 13/05/2017 09:43:08 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00288 - 13/05/2017 09:43:08 - Landroid searching wire
    #00289 - 13/05/2017 09:43:07 - Landroid following wire
    #00290 - 13/05/2017 09:43:07 - Landroid searching wire
    #00291 - 13/05/2017 09:43:07 - [Battery LOW] homing req, status: 25.9°C 16.21Volt
    #00292 - 13/05/2017 09:42:39 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00293 - 13/05/2017 09:42:34 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: drive wheel src
    #00294 - 13/05/2017 09:42:31 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00295 - 13/05/2017 09:42:24 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: front wheel src
    #00296 - 13/05/2017 09:42:21 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00297 - 13/05/2017 09:42:08 - Landroid lift recovery procedure
    #00298 - 13/05/2017 09:41:37 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00299 - 13/05/2017 09:41:33 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: front wheel src
    #00300 - 13/05/2017 09:41:32 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #00301 - 13/05/2017 09:41:32 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00302 - 13/05/2017 09:41:32 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 433, type:l
    #00303 - 13/05/2017 09:41:29 - Landroid start sequence
    #00304 - 13/05/2017 09:41:29 - Start button pressed
    #00305 - 13/05/2017 09:41:24 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #00306 - 13/05/2017 09:41:24 - Landroid in idle state 25.4°C 16.97 Volt
    #00307 - 13/05/2017 09:41:24 - Total statistics: 591m, 66min, blade on time: 59min
    #00308 - 13/05/2017 09:41:24 - Current cut statistics: 6m, 0min, blade on time: 0min
    #00309 - 13/05/2017 09:41:24 - Stop button pressed
    #00310 - 13/05/2017 09:41:24 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 433, type:l
    #00311 - 13/05/2017 09:41:22 - Landroid searching wire
    #00312 - 13/05/2017 09:41:17 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: drive wheel src
    #00313 - 13/05/2017 09:41:16 - Landroid searching wire
    #00314 - 13/05/2017 09:41:08 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: drive wheel src
    #00315 - 13/05/2017 09:41:04 - Landroid searching wire
    #00316 - 13/05/2017 09:40:59 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: drive wheel src
    #00317 - 13/05/2017 09:40:54 - Landroid searching wire
    #00318 - 13/05/2017 09:40:54 - [Battery LOW] homing req, status: 25.4°C 16.59Volt
    #00319 - 13/05/2017 09:40:40 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00320 - 13/05/2017 09:40:35 - Landroid blade blocked recovery procedure
    #00321 - 13/05/2017 09:40:34 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #00322 - 13/05/2017 09:40:33 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00323 - 13/05/2017 09:40:33 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 435, type:l
    #00324 - 13/05/2017 09:40:30 - Landroid start sequence
    #00325 - 13/05/2017 09:40:30 - Start button pressed
    #00326 - 13/05/2017 09:40:29 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #00327 - 13/05/2017 09:40:29 - Landroid in idle state 25.3°C 16.85 Volt
    #00328 - 13/05/2017 09:40:29 - Total statistics: 585m, 66min, blade on time: 59min
    #00329 - 13/05/2017 09:40:29 - Current cut statistics: 53m, 6min, blade on time: 5min
    #00330 - 13/05/2017 09:40:29 - Stop button pressed
    #00331 - 13/05/2017 09:40:29 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 435, type:l
    #00332 - 13/05/2017 09:40:08 - Landroid lift recovery procedure
    #00333 - 13/05/2017 09:39:58 - Landroid following wire
    #00334 - 13/05/2017 09:39:47 - Landroid searching wire
    #00335 - 13/05/2017 09:39:47 - [Battery LOW] homing req, status: 25.3°C 16.53Volt
    #00336 - 13/05/2017 09:39:37 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00337 - 13/05/2017 09:39:32 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: front wheel src
    #00338 - 13/05/2017 09:39:28 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00339 - 13/05/2017 09:39:23 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: drive wheel src
    #00340 - 13/05/2017 09:39:21 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00341 - 13/05/2017 09:39:15 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: drive wheel src
    #00342 - 13/05/2017 09:39:12 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00343 - 13/05/2017 09:39:07 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: drive wheel src
    #00344 - 13/05/2017 09:39:03 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00345 - 13/05/2017 09:38:58 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: drive wheel src
    #00346 - 13/05/2017 09:38:50 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00347 - 13/05/2017 09:38:35 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: drive wheel src
    #00348 - 13/05/2017 09:38:28 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00349 - 13/05/2017 09:38:12 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: drive wheel src
    #00350 - 13/05/2017 09:37:49 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00351 - 13/05/2017 09:37:44 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: drive wheel src
    #00352 - 13/05/2017 09:37:29 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00353 - 13/05/2017 09:37:25 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: drive wheel src
    #00354 - 13/05/2017 09:37:04 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00355 - 13/05/2017 09:36:59 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: drive wheel src
    #00356 - 13/05/2017 09:36:38 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00357 - 13/05/2017 09:36:32 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: drive wheel src
    #00358 - 13/05/2017 09:36:27 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00359 - 13/05/2017 09:36:21 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: drive wheel src
    #00360 - 13/05/2017 09:36:19 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00361 - 13/05/2017 09:36:12 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: drive wheel src
    #00362 - 13/05/2017 09:36:11 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00363 - 13/05/2017 09:36:04 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: drive wheel src
    #00364 - 13/05/2017 09:35:52 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00365 - 13/05/2017 09:35:47 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: drive wheel src
    #00366 - 13/05/2017 09:35:43 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00367 - 13/05/2017 09:35:38 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: drive wheel src
    #00368 - 13/05/2017 09:34:51 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00369 - 13/05/2017 09:34:45 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: drive wheel src
    #00370 - 13/05/2017 09:34:43 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00371 - 13/05/2017 09:34:36 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: drive wheel src
    #00372 - 13/05/2017 09:34:31 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00373 - 13/05/2017 09:34:27 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure: drive wheel src
    #00374 - 13/05/2017 09:34:17 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #00375 - 13/05/2017 09:34:16 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 435, type:l
    #00376 - 13/05/2017 09:34:16 - [wifi] - Mqtt Connection Successful
    #00377 - 13/05/2017 09:34:03 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00378 - 13/05/2017 09:34:00 - Landroid start sequence
    #00379 - 13/05/2017 09:34:00 - Start button pressed
    #00380 - 13/05/2017 09:33:52 - [wifi] - Connected
    #00381 - 13/05/2017 09:33:51 - Landroid in idle state 23.4°C 17.73 Volt
    #00382 - 13/05/2017 09:33:47 - [wifi] - Reset
    #00383 - 13/05/2017 09:33:47 - Power On v: 2.26
    #00384 - 13/05/2017 09:32:47 - Shutdown 17.72Volt
    #00385 - 13/05/2017 09:32:47 - Power Off Button Pressed
    #00386 - 13/05/2017 09:32:36 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #00387 - 13/05/2017 09:32:35 - !ERROR! outside wire timeout
    #00388 - 13/05/2017 09:32:35 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 435, type:l
    #00389 - 13/05/2017 09:32:32 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #00390 - 13/05/2017 09:32:32 - !ERROR! wire missing!
    #00391 - 13/05/2017 09:32:32 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 435, type:l
    #00392 - 13/05/2017 09:32:15 - !ERROR! outside wire timeout
    #00393 - 13/05/2017 09:32:13 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #00394 - 13/05/2017 09:32:13 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 433, type:l
    #00395 - 13/05/2017 09:32:13 - [wifi] - Mqtt Connection Successful
    #00396 - 13/05/2017 09:32:01 - [wifi] - Connected
    #00397 - 13/05/2017 09:32:00 - Landroid in idle state 23.3°C 17.73 Volt
    #00398 - 13/05/2017 09:31:56 - [wifi] - Reset
    #00399 - 13/05/2017 09:31:56 - Power On v: 2.26
    #00400 - 13/05/2017 09:31:48 - Shutdown 17.73Volt
    #00401 - 13/05/2017 09:31:48 - Power Off Button Pressed
    #00402 - 13/05/2017 09:31:36 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #00403 - 13/05/2017 09:31:36 - !ERROR! outside wire timeout
    #00404 - 13/05/2017 09:31:36 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 433, type:l
    #00405 - 13/05/2017 09:31:34 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #00406 - 13/05/2017 09:31:34 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 433, type:l
    #00407 - 13/05/2017 09:31:34 - [wifi] - Mqtt Connection Successful
    #00408 - 13/05/2017 09:31:29 - !ERROR! wire missing!
    #00409 - 13/05/2017 09:31:22 - !ERROR! outside wire timeout
    #00410 - 13/05/2017 09:31:07 - [wifi] - Connected
    #00411 - 13/05/2017 09:31:06 - Landroid in idle state 23.2°C 17.74 Volt
    #00412 - 13/05/2017 09:31:02 - [wifi] - Reset
    #00413 - 13/05/2017 09:31:02 - Power On v: 2.26
    #00414 - 13/05/2017 09:30:58 - Shutdown 17.74Volt
    #00415 - 13/05/2017 09:30:58 - Power Off Button Pressed
    #00416 - 13/05/2017 09:30:24 - !ERROR! outside wire timeout
    #00417 - 13/05/2017 09:29:32 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #00418 - 13/05/2017 09:29:32 - !ERROR! wire missing!
    #00419 - 13/05/2017 09:29:32 - !ERROR! outside wire timeout
    #00420 - 13/05/2017 09:29:32 - Landroid Upside Down 0.3pitch--36.0roll
    #00421 - 13/05/2017 09:29:32 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 436, type:l
    #00422 - 13/05/2017 09:14:38 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #00423 - 13/05/2017 09:14:37 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 434, type:l
    #00424 - 13/05/2017 09:14:37 - [wifi] - Mqtt Connection Successful
    #00425 - 13/05/2017 09:14:22 - [wifi] - Connected
    #00426 - 13/05/2017 09:14:18 - Landroid in idle state 21.7°C 17.85 Volt
    #00427 - 13/05/2017 09:14:15 - [wifi] - Reset
    #00428 - 13/05/2017 09:14:15 - Power On v: 2.26
    #00429 - 12/05/2017 20:06:42 - Shutdown 17.87Volt
    #00430 - 12/05/2017 20:06:42 - Landroid idle shutdown timer
    #00431 - 12/05/2017 19:56:43 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #00432 - 12/05/2017 19:56:43 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 434, type:r
    #00433 - 12/05/2017 19:56:38 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #00434 - 12/05/2017 19:56:38 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 434, type:r
    #00435 - 12/05/2017 19:56:23 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #00436 - 12/05/2017 19:56:23 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 434, type:r
    #00437 - 12/05/2017 19:47:07 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #00438 - 12/05/2017 19:47:07 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 434, type:l
    #00439 - 12/05/2017 19:47:07 - [wifi] - Mqtt Connection Successful
    #00440 - 12/05/2017 19:46:44 - [wifi] - Connected
    #00441 - 12/05/2017 19:46:43 - Landroid in idle state 19.7°C 18.29 Volt
    #00442 - 12/05/2017 19:46:39 - [wifi] - Reset
    #00443 - 12/05/2017 19:46:39 - Power On v: 2.26
    #00444 - 12/05/2017 19:46:36 - Shutdown 18.65Volt
    #00445 - 12/05/2017 19:46:36 - Landroid idle shutdown timer
    #00446 - 12/05/2017 19:32:26 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #00447 - 12/05/2017 19:32:26 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 434, type:r
    #00448 - 12/05/2017 19:32:01 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #00449 - 12/05/2017 19:32:01 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 436, type:r
    #00450 - 12/05/2017 19:31:58 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #00451 - 12/05/2017 19:31:58 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 436, type:r
    #00452 - 12/05/2017 19:30:48 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #00453 - 12/05/2017 19:30:48 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 436, type:r
    #00454 - 12/05/2017 19:30:43 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #00455 - 12/05/2017 19:30:43 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 436, type:r
    #00456 - 12/05/2017 19:30:09 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #00457 - 12/05/2017 19:30:09 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 436, type:r
    #00458 - 12/05/2017 19:30:02 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #00459 - 12/05/2017 19:30:02 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 436, type:r
    #00460 - 12/05/2017 19:28:19 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #00461 - 12/05/2017 19:28:19 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 436, type:r
    #00462 - 12/05/2017 19:27:56 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #00463 - 12/05/2017 19:27:56 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 436, type:r
    #00464 - 12/05/2017 19:27:24 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #00465 - 12/05/2017 19:27:24 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 434, type:r
    #00466 - 12/05/2017 19:27:09 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #00467 - 12/05/2017 19:27:09 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 434, type:r
    #00468 - 12/05/2017 19:27:05 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #00469 - 12/05/2017 19:27:05 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 434, type:r
    #00470 - 12/05/2017 19:26:33 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #00471 - 12/05/2017 19:26:32 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 434, type:l
    #00472 - 12/05/2017 19:26:32 - [wifi] - Mqtt Connection Successful
    #00473 - 12/05/2017 19:26:19 - [wifi] - Connected
    #00474 - 12/05/2017 19:26:18 - Landroid at home
    #00475 - 12/05/2017 19:26:09 - Battery Charge Started! 16.6°C 13.41Volt #10
    #00476 - 12/05/2017 19:26:09 - Battery Trickle Charge Started! 16.8°C 7.84Volt
    #00477 - 12/05/2017 19:26:09 - [wifi] - Reset
    #00478 - 12/05/2017 19:26:09 - Power On v: 2.26
    #00479 - 12/05/2017 19:25:52 - [wifi] - Reset
    #00480 - 12/05/2017 19:25:52 - Power On v: 2.26
    #00481 - 12/05/2017 19:25:25 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #00482 - 12/05/2017 19:25:24 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 432, type:l
    #00483 - 12/05/2017 19:25:24 - [wifi] - Mqtt Connection Successful
    #00484 - 12/05/2017 19:25:00 - [wifi] - Connected
    #00485 - 12/05/2017 19:24:59 - Landroid in idle state 16.7°C 12.87 Volt
    #00486 - 12/05/2017 19:24:56 - [wifi] - Reset
    #00487 - 12/05/2017 19:24:56 - Power On v: 2.26
    #00488 - 12/05/2017 19:24:51 - Shutdown 13.05Volt
    #00489 - 12/05/2017 19:24:51 - Power Off Button Pressed
    #00490 - 12/05/2017 19:24:22 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #00491 - 12/05/2017 19:24:21 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 432, type:l
    #00492 - 12/05/2017 19:24:21 - [wifi] - Mqtt Connection Successful
    #00493 - 12/05/2017 19:23:56 - [wifi] - Connected
    #00494 - 12/05/2017 19:23:55 - !ERROR! wire missing!
    #00495 - 12/05/2017 19:23:54 - Landroid in idle state 16.7°C 14.41 Volt
    #00496 - 12/05/2017 19:23:50 - Firmware Upgrade Complete!
    #00497 - 12/05/2017 19:23:50 - [wifi] - Reset
    #00498 - 12/05/2017 19:23:50 - Power On v: 2.26
    #00499 - 12/05/2017 19:23:16 - [Usb] Firmware Upgrade Started
    #00500 - 12/05/2017 19:23:16 - Power On v: 2.24
    #00501 - 10/05/2017 19:38:33 - Shutdown 14.72Volt
    #00502 - 10/05/2017 19:38:33 - Power Off Button Pressed
    #00503 - 10/05/2017 19:38:30 - !ERROR! wire missing!
    #00504 - 10/05/2017 19:38:16 - [wifi] - Connected
    #00505 - 10/05/2017 19:38:13 - Landroid in idle state 18.6°C 14.88 Volt
    #00506 - 10/05/2017 19:38:10 - [wifi] - Reset
    #00507 - 10/05/2017 19:38:10 - Power On v: 2.24
    #00508 - 09/05/2017 19:46:09 - Shutdown 15.08Volt
    #00509 - 09/05/2017 19:46:09 - Power Off Button Pressed
    #00510 - 09/05/2017 19:46:01 - [wifi] - Connected
    #00511 - 09/05/2017 19:46:00 - !ERROR! wire missing!
    #00512 - 09/05/2017 19:45:59 - Landroid in idle state 19.6°C 15.14 Volt
    #00513 - 09/05/2017 19:45:56 - [wifi] - Reset
    #00514 - 09/05/2017 19:45:56 - Power On v: 2.24
    #00515 - 09/05/2017 19:44:58 - Shutdown 15.14Volt
    #00516 - 09/05/2017 19:44:58 - Power Off Button Pressed
    #00517 - 09/05/2017 19:44:53 - [wifi] - Connected
    #00518 - 09/05/2017 19:44:52 - Landroid in idle state 19.6°C 15.17 Volt
    #00519 - 09/05/2017 19:44:48 - [wifi] - Reset
    #00520 - 09/05/2017 19:44:48 - Power On v: 2.24
    #00521 - 09/05/2017 19:44:44 - Shutdown 15.17Volt
    #00522 - 09/05/2017 19:44:44 - Power Off Button Pressed
    #00523 - 09/05/2017 19:44:39 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #00524 - 09/05/2017 19:44:39 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 433, type:l
    #00525 - 09/05/2017 19:44:39 - [wifi] - Mqtt Connection Successful
    #00526 - 09/05/2017 19:44:36 - Landroid in idle state 19.7°C 14.59 Volt
    #00527 - 09/05/2017 19:44:36 - Total statistics: 532m, 60min, blade on time: 54min
    #00528 - 09/05/2017 19:44:36 - Current cut statistics: 2m, 0min, blade on time: 0min
    #00529 - 09/05/2017 19:44:36 - Stop button pressed
    #00530 - 09/05/2017 19:44:29 - Landroid searching wire
    #00531 - 09/05/2017 19:44:25 - Landroid start sequence
    #00532 - 09/05/2017 19:44:25 - Home button pressed
    #00533 - 09/05/2017 19:44:13 - [wifi] - Connected
    #00534 - 09/05/2017 19:44:12 - Landroid in idle state 19.6°C 15.54 Volt
    #00535 - 09/05/2017 19:44:08 - [wifi] - Reset
    #00536 - 09/05/2017 19:44:08 - Power On v: 2.24
    #00537 - 09/05/2017 19:44:04 - Shutdown 15.58Volt
    #00538 - 09/05/2017 19:44:04 - Power Off Button Pressed
    #00539 - 09/05/2017 19:43:59 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #00540 - 09/05/2017 19:43:58 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 432, type:l
    #00541 - 09/05/2017 19:43:58 - [wifi] - Mqtt Connection Successful
    #00542 - 09/05/2017 19:43:49 - Landroid in idle state 19.6°C 15.74 Volt
    #00543 - 09/05/2017 19:43:49 - Battery Charge End By Base! base Current: 0.0mA 19.6°C 15.74Volt
    #00544 - 09/05/2017 19:43:43 - [wifi] - Connected
    #00545 - 09/05/2017 19:43:43 - Landroid at home
    #00546 - 09/05/2017 19:43:37 - Battery Charge Started! 19.4°C 16.24Volt #9
    #00547 - 09/05/2017 19:43:37 - Battery Trickle Charge Started! 19.6°C 12.46Volt
    #00548 - 09/05/2017 19:43:37 - [wifi] - Reset
    #00549 - 09/05/2017 19:43:37 - Power On v: 2.24
    #00550 - 09/05/2017 19:43:37 - Shutdown 16.22Volt
    #00551 - 09/05/2017 19:43:37 - Power Off Button Pressed
    #00552 - 09/05/2017 19:43:23 - [wifi] - Connected
    #00553 - 09/05/2017 19:43:22 - Landroid at home
    #00554 - 09/05/2017 19:43:14 - Battery Charge Started! 19.4°C 15.54Volt #8
    #00555 - 09/05/2017 19:43:14 - Battery Trickle Charge Started! 19.6°C 11.76Volt
    #00556 - 09/05/2017 19:43:14 - [wifi] - Reset
    #00557 - 09/05/2017 19:43:14 - Power On v: 2.24
    #00558 - 09/05/2017 19:42:56 - Landroid in idle state 19.6°C 14.88 Volt
    #00559 - 09/05/2017 19:42:56 - Battery Charge End By Base! base Current: 19.3mA 19.6°C 14.88Volt
    #00560 - 09/05/2017 19:42:56 - Battery Charge Started! 19.4°C 13.33Volt #7
    #00561 - 09/05/2017 19:42:56 - Battery Trickle Charge Started! 19.6°C 7.64Volt
    #00562 - 09/05/2017 19:42:56 - Power On v: 2.24
    #00563 - 09/05/2017 19:42:07 - [wifi] - Reset
    #00564 - 09/05/2017 19:42:07 - Power On v: 2.24
    #00565 - 09/05/2017 19:40:45 - [wifi] - Connected
    #00566 - 09/05/2017 19:40:43 - Landroid in idle state 19.5°C 11.06 Volt
    #00567 - 09/05/2017 19:40:39 - [wifi] - Reset
    #00568 - 09/05/2017 19:40:39 - Power On v: 2.24
    #00569 - 09/05/2017 09:30:36 - [wifi] - Connected
    #00570 - 09/05/2017 09:30:35 - Landroid in idle state 21.6°C 9.46 Volt
    #00571 - 09/05/2017 09:30:31 - [wifi] - Reset
    #00572 - 09/05/2017 09:30:31 - Power On v: 2.24
    #00573 - 09/05/2017 09:14:08 - [wifi] - Connected
    #00574 - 09/05/2017 09:14:06 - Landroid in idle state 20.9°C 10.22 Volt
    #00575 - 09/05/2017 09:14:03 - [wifi] - Reset
    #00576 - 09/05/2017 09:14:03 - Power On v: 2.24
    #00577 - 09/05/2017 08:29:51 - [wifi] - Connected
    #00578 - 09/05/2017 08:29:50 - Landroid in idle state 18.3°C 10.02 Volt
    #00579 - 09/05/2017 08:29:46 - [wifi] - Reset
    #00580 - 09/05/2017 08:29:46 - Power On v: 2.24
    #00581 - 09/05/2017 08:12:27 - Landroid in idle state 17.1°C 8.56 Volt
    #00582 - 09/05/2017 08:12:24 - [wifi] - Reset
    #00583 - 09/05/2017 08:12:24 - Power On v: 2.24
    #00584 - 09/05/2017 08:11:21 - Power On v: 2.24
    #00585 - 09/05/2017 08:11:13 - [wifi] - Connected
    #00586 - 09/05/2017 08:11:12 - Landroid in idle state 17.0°C 9.57 Volt
    #00587 - 09/05/2017 08:11:08 - [wifi] - Reset
    #00588 - 09/05/2017 08:11:08 - Power On v: 2.24
    #00589 - 09/05/2017 08:08:55 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #00590 - 09/05/2017 08:08:55 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 432, type:l
    #00591 - 09/05/2017 08:08:55 - [wifi] - Mqtt Connection Successful
    #00592 - 09/05/2017 08:08:32 - [wifi] - Connected
    #00593 - 09/05/2017 08:08:30 - Landroid in idle state 16.7°C 13.85 Volt
    #00594 - 09/05/2017 08:08:26 - [wifi] - Reset
    #00595 - 09/05/2017 08:08:26 - Power On v: 2.24
    #00596 - 06/05/2017 19:52:40 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #00597 - 06/05/2017 19:52:39 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 431, type:l
    #00598 - 06/05/2017 19:52:39 - [wifi] - Mqtt Connection Successful
    #00599 - 06/05/2017 19:52:26 - [wifi] - Connected
    #00600 - 06/05/2017 19:52:23 - Landroid in idle state 12.7°C 14.28 Volt
    #00601 - 06/05/2017 19:52:20 - [wifi] - Reset
    #00602 - 06/05/2017 19:52:20 - Power On v: 2.24
    #00603 - 05/05/2017 08:35:16 - Power On v: 2.24
    #00604 - 05/05/2017 08:34:14 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #00605 - 05/05/2017 08:34:14 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 432, type:l
    #00606 - 05/05/2017 08:34:14 - [wifi] - Mqtt Connection Successful
    #00607 - 05/05/2017 08:33:50 - [wifi] - Connected
    #00608 - 05/05/2017 08:33:48 - Landroid in idle state 13.9°C 14.06 Volt
    #00609 - 05/05/2017 08:33:45 - [wifi] - Reset
    #00610 - 05/05/2017 08:33:45 - Power On v: 2.24
    #00611 - 05/05/2017 07:25:18 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #00612 - 05/05/2017 07:25:18 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 432, type:l
    #00613 - 05/05/2017 07:25:18 - [wifi] - Mqtt Connection Successful
    #00614 - 05/05/2017 07:25:03 - [wifi] - Connected
    #00615 - 05/05/2017 07:25:01 - Landroid in idle state 9.7°C 15.58 Volt
    #00616 - 05/05/2017 07:24:57 - [wifi] - Reset
    #00617 - 05/05/2017 07:24:57 - Power On v: 2.24
    #00618 - 02/05/2017 19:14:25 - Shutdown 12.65Volt
    #00619 - 02/05/2017 19:14:25 - Landroid idle shutdown timer
    #00620 - 02/05/2017 18:54:53 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #00621 - 02/05/2017 18:54:52 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 433, type:l
    #00622 - 02/05/2017 18:54:52 - [wifi] - Mqtt Connection Successful
    #00623 - 02/05/2017 18:54:27 - [wifi] - Connected
    #00624 - 02/05/2017 18:54:25 - Landroid in idle state 14.7°C 16.79 Volt
    #00625 - 02/05/2017 18:54:21 - [wifi] - Reset
    #00626 - 02/05/2017 18:54:21 - Power On v: 2.24
    #00627 - 01/05/2017 11:10:45 - Shutdown 15.40Volt
    #00628 - 01/05/2017 11:10:45 - Landroid idle shutdown timer
    #00629 - 01/05/2017 10:50:57 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #00630 - 01/05/2017 10:50:57 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 433, type:l
    #00631 - 01/05/2017 10:50:57 - [wifi] - Mqtt Connection Successful
    #00632 - 01/05/2017 10:50:45 - !ERROR! wire missing!
    #00633 - 01/05/2017 10:50:45 - !ERROR! outside wire timeout
    #00634 - 01/05/2017 10:50:32 - [wifi] - Connected
    #00635 - 01/05/2017 10:50:29 - Landroid in idle state 9.5°C 17.15 Volt
    #00636 - 01/05/2017 10:50:26 - [wifi] - Reset
    #00637 - 01/05/2017 10:50:26 - Power On v: 2.24
    #00638 - 30/04/2017 19:00:16 - Shutdown 17.14Volt
    #00639 - 30/04/2017 19:00:16 - Landroid idle shutdown timer
    #00640 - 30/04/2017 18:40:16 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #00641 - 30/04/2017 18:40:16 - Landroid Upside Down 36.7pitch-6.3roll
    #00642 - 30/04/2017 18:40:16 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 434, type:l
    #00643 - 30/04/2017 18:40:15 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #00644 - 30/04/2017 18:40:15 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 434, type:l
    #00645 - 30/04/2017 18:40:13 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #00646 - 30/04/2017 18:40:13 - Landroid in idle state 23.4°C 16.95 Volt
    #00647 - 30/04/2017 18:40:13 - Total statistics: 530m, 60min, blade on time: 54min
    #00648 - 30/04/2017 18:40:13 - Current cut statistics: 10m, 1min, blade on time: 0min
    #00649 - 30/04/2017 18:40:13 - Stop button pressed
    #00650 - 30/04/2017 18:40:13 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 434, type:l
    #00651 - 30/04/2017 18:39:57 - Landroid following wire
    #00652 - 30/04/2017 18:39:49 - Landroid lift recovery procedure
    #00653 - 30/04/2017 18:39:27 - Landroid following wire
    #00654 - 30/04/2017 18:39:26 - Landroid searching wire
    #00655 - 30/04/2017 18:39:21 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00656 - 30/04/2017 18:39:19 - Landroid searching wire
    #00657 - 30/04/2017 18:39:11 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00658 - 30/04/2017 18:39:09 - Landroid searching wire
    #00659 - 30/04/2017 18:39:09 - [Battery LOW] homing req, status: 23.4°C 16.74Volt
    #00660 - 30/04/2017 18:38:46 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #00661 - 30/04/2017 18:38:46 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00662 - 30/04/2017 18:38:46 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 432, type:l
    #00663 - 30/04/2017 18:38:42 - Landroid start sequence
    #00664 - 30/04/2017 18:38:42 - Start button pressed
    #00665 - 30/04/2017 18:38:42 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #00666 - 30/04/2017 18:38:42 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 432, type:l
    #00667 - 30/04/2017 18:38:36 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #00668 - 30/04/2017 18:38:36 - Landroid in idle state 23.4°C 16.95 Volt
    #00669 - 30/04/2017 18:38:36 - Total statistics: 520m, 59min, blade on time: 54min
    #00670 - 30/04/2017 18:38:36 - Current cut statistics: 148m, 15min, blade on time: 12min
    #00671 - 30/04/2017 18:38:36 - Stop button pressed
    #00672 - 30/04/2017 18:38:36 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 431, type:l
    #00673 - 30/04/2017 18:38:36 - Landroid searching home
    #00674 - 30/04/2017 18:38:28 - Landroid following wire
    #00675 - 30/04/2017 18:38:27 - Landroid searching home
    #00676 - 30/04/2017 18:38:14 - Landroid following wire
    #00677 - 30/04/2017 18:38:05 - Landroid lift recovery procedure
    #00678 - 30/04/2017 18:38:04 - Landroid following wire
    #00679 - 30/04/2017 18:38:03 - Landroid searching home
    #00680 - 30/04/2017 18:38:01 - Landroid following wire
    #00681 - 30/04/2017 18:38:00 - Landroid searching home
    #00682 - 30/04/2017 18:37:57 - Landroid following wire
    #00683 - 30/04/2017 18:37:56 - Landroid searching home
    #00684 - 30/04/2017 18:37:53 - Landroid following wire
    #00685 - 30/04/2017 18:37:52 - Landroid searching home
    #00686 - 30/04/2017 18:37:49 - Landroid following wire
    #00687 - 30/04/2017 18:37:48 - Landroid searching home
    #00688 - 30/04/2017 18:37:45 - Landroid following wire
    #00689 - 30/04/2017 18:37:44 - Landroid searching home
    #00690 - 30/04/2017 18:37:42 - Landroid following wire
    #00691 - 30/04/2017 18:37:41 - Landroid searching home
    #00692 - 30/04/2017 18:37:31 - Landroid following wire
    #00693 - 30/04/2017 18:37:30 - Landroid searching home
    #00694 - 30/04/2017 18:37:27 - Landroid following wire
    #00695 - 30/04/2017 18:37:26 - Landroid searching home
    #00696 - 30/04/2017 18:37:23 - Landroid following wire
    #00697 - 30/04/2017 18:37:22 - Landroid searching home
    #00698 - 30/04/2017 18:37:19 - Landroid following wire
    #00699 - 30/04/2017 18:37:18 - Landroid searching home
    #00700 - 30/04/2017 18:37:15 - Landroid following wire
    #00701 - 30/04/2017 18:37:14 - Landroid searching home
    #00702 - 30/04/2017 18:37:12 - Landroid following wire
    #00703 - 30/04/2017 18:37:11 - Landroid searching home
    #00704 - 30/04/2017 18:37:08 - Landroid following wire
    #00705 - 30/04/2017 18:37:07 - Landroid searching home
    #00706 - 30/04/2017 18:37:04 - Landroid following wire
    #00707 - 30/04/2017 18:37:03 - Landroid searching home
    #00708 - 30/04/2017 18:37:01 - Landroid following wire
    #00709 - 30/04/2017 18:36:59 - Landroid searching home
    #00710 - 30/04/2017 18:36:57 - Landroid following wire
    #00711 - 30/04/2017 18:36:56 - Landroid searching home
    #00712 - 30/04/2017 18:36:53 - Landroid following wire
    #00713 - 30/04/2017 18:36:52 - Landroid searching home
    #00714 - 30/04/2017 18:36:49 - Landroid following wire
    #00715 - 30/04/2017 18:36:48 - Landroid searching home
    #00716 - 30/04/2017 18:36:45 - Landroid following wire
    #00717 - 30/04/2017 18:36:44 - Landroid searching home
    #00718 - 30/04/2017 18:36:34 - Landroid following wire
    #00719 - 30/04/2017 18:36:33 - Landroid searching home
    #00720 - 30/04/2017 18:36:30 - Landroid following wire
    #00721 - 30/04/2017 18:36:28 - Landroid searching home
    #00722 - 30/04/2017 18:36:19 - Landroid following wire
    #00723 - 30/04/2017 18:36:18 - Landroid searching home
    #00724 - 30/04/2017 18:36:05 - Landroid following wire
    #00725 - 30/04/2017 18:35:57 - Landroid searching wire
    #00726 - 30/04/2017 18:35:57 - [Battery LOW] homing req, status: 23.6°C 16.75Volt
    #00727 - 30/04/2017 18:35:39 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00728 - 30/04/2017 18:35:34 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00729 - 30/04/2017 18:35:32 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00730 - 30/04/2017 18:35:27 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00731 - 30/04/2017 18:34:50 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00732 - 30/04/2017 18:34:45 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00733 - 30/04/2017 18:34:42 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00734 - 30/04/2017 18:34:37 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00735 - 30/04/2017 18:34:34 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00736 - 30/04/2017 18:34:29 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00737 - 30/04/2017 18:34:25 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00738 - 30/04/2017 18:34:20 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00739 - 30/04/2017 18:34:15 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00740 - 30/04/2017 18:34:10 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00741 - 30/04/2017 18:33:50 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00742 - 30/04/2017 18:33:39 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00743 - 30/04/2017 18:33:22 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00744 - 30/04/2017 18:33:17 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00745 - 30/04/2017 18:33:11 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00746 - 30/04/2017 18:33:05 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00747 - 30/04/2017 18:32:53 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00748 - 30/04/2017 18:32:47 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00749 - 30/04/2017 18:32:20 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00750 - 30/04/2017 18:32:15 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00751 - 30/04/2017 18:31:51 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00752 - 30/04/2017 18:31:45 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00753 - 30/04/2017 18:31:29 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00754 - 30/04/2017 18:31:24 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00755 - 30/04/2017 18:30:54 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00756 - 30/04/2017 18:30:48 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00757 - 30/04/2017 18:30:43 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00758 - 30/04/2017 18:30:38 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00759 - 30/04/2017 18:29:54 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00760 - 30/04/2017 18:29:49 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00761 - 30/04/2017 18:28:58 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00762 - 30/04/2017 18:28:43 - Landroid lift recovery procedure
    #00763 - 30/04/2017 18:28:34 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00764 - 30/04/2017 18:28:28 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00765 - 30/04/2017 18:27:58 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00766 - 30/04/2017 18:27:51 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00767 - 30/04/2017 18:27:27 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00768 - 30/04/2017 18:27:22 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00769 - 30/04/2017 18:26:41 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00770 - 30/04/2017 18:26:35 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00771 - 30/04/2017 18:26:26 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00772 - 30/04/2017 18:26:11 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00773 - 30/04/2017 18:25:09 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00774 - 30/04/2017 18:24:53 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00775 - 30/04/2017 18:24:46 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00776 - 30/04/2017 18:24:41 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00777 - 30/04/2017 18:24:38 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00778 - 30/04/2017 18:24:16 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00779 - 30/04/2017 18:24:14 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00780 - 30/04/2017 18:24:09 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00781 - 30/04/2017 18:24:06 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00782 - 30/04/2017 18:24:01 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00783 - 30/04/2017 18:23:59 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00784 - 30/04/2017 18:23:53 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00785 - 30/04/2017 18:23:00 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #00786 - 30/04/2017 18:22:59 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 434, type:l
    #00787 - 30/04/2017 18:22:59 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00788 - 30/04/2017 18:22:55 - Landroid start sequence
    #00789 - 30/04/2017 18:22:55 - Start button pressed
    #00790 - 30/04/2017 18:22:55 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #00791 - 30/04/2017 18:22:55 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 434, type:l
    #00792 - 30/04/2017 18:22:45 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #00793 - 30/04/2017 18:22:44 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 435, type:l
    #00794 - 30/04/2017 18:22:43 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #00795 - 30/04/2017 18:22:42 - Landroid in idle state 22.2°C 17.15 Volt
    #00796 - 30/04/2017 18:22:42 - Total statistics: 372m, 44min, blade on time: 42min
    #00797 - 30/04/2017 18:22:42 - Current cut statistics: 191m, 25min, blade on time: 25min
    #00798 - 30/04/2017 18:22:42 - Stop button pressed
    #00799 - 30/04/2017 18:22:42 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 434, type:l
    #00800 - 30/04/2017 18:22:39 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00801 - 30/04/2017 18:22:25 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00802 - 30/04/2017 18:22:20 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00803 - 30/04/2017 18:21:59 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00804 - 30/04/2017 18:21:32 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00805 - 30/04/2017 18:20:21 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00806 - 30/04/2017 18:20:16 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00807 - 30/04/2017 18:19:42 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00808 - 30/04/2017 18:19:37 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00809 - 30/04/2017 18:19:25 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00810 - 30/04/2017 18:19:20 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00811 - 30/04/2017 18:18:53 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00812 - 30/04/2017 18:18:49 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00813 - 30/04/2017 18:18:46 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00814 - 30/04/2017 18:18:41 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00815 - 30/04/2017 18:18:37 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00816 - 30/04/2017 18:18:22 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00817 - 30/04/2017 18:17:24 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00818 - 30/04/2017 18:17:18 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00819 - 30/04/2017 18:17:15 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00820 - 30/04/2017 18:17:10 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00821 - 30/04/2017 18:16:08 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00822 - 30/04/2017 18:15:58 - Landroid lift recovery procedure
    #00823 - 30/04/2017 18:15:48 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00824 - 30/04/2017 18:15:43 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00825 - 30/04/2017 18:15:41 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00826 - 30/04/2017 18:15:36 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00827 - 30/04/2017 18:15:11 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00828 - 30/04/2017 18:15:06 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00829 - 30/04/2017 18:14:50 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00830 - 30/04/2017 18:14:45 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00831 - 30/04/2017 18:14:22 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00832 - 30/04/2017 18:14:07 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00833 - 30/04/2017 18:13:51 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00834 - 30/04/2017 18:13:34 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00835 - 30/04/2017 18:13:16 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00836 - 30/04/2017 18:13:11 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00837 - 30/04/2017 18:13:09 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00838 - 30/04/2017 18:13:03 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00839 - 30/04/2017 18:13:02 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00840 - 30/04/2017 18:12:45 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00841 - 30/04/2017 18:12:42 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00842 - 30/04/2017 18:12:37 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00843 - 30/04/2017 18:12:35 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00844 - 30/04/2017 18:12:30 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00845 - 30/04/2017 18:12:25 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00846 - 30/04/2017 18:12:20 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00847 - 30/04/2017 18:12:17 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00848 - 30/04/2017 18:12:01 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00849 - 30/04/2017 18:11:59 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00850 - 30/04/2017 18:11:54 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00851 - 30/04/2017 18:11:47 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00852 - 30/04/2017 18:11:43 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00853 - 30/04/2017 18:11:41 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00854 - 30/04/2017 18:11:33 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00855 - 30/04/2017 18:11:31 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00856 - 30/04/2017 18:11:23 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00857 - 30/04/2017 18:11:01 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00858 - 30/04/2017 18:10:22 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00859 - 30/04/2017 18:09:43 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00860 - 30/04/2017 18:09:28 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00861 - 30/04/2017 18:09:25 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00862 - 30/04/2017 18:09:20 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00863 - 30/04/2017 18:08:46 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00864 - 30/04/2017 18:08:41 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00865 - 30/04/2017 18:08:33 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00866 - 30/04/2017 18:08:27 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00867 - 30/04/2017 18:08:09 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00868 - 30/04/2017 18:08:04 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00869 - 30/04/2017 18:07:55 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00870 - 30/04/2017 18:07:40 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00871 - 30/04/2017 18:07:37 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00872 - 30/04/2017 18:07:32 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00873 - 30/04/2017 18:07:17 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00874 - 30/04/2017 18:07:12 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00875 - 30/04/2017 18:07:10 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00876 - 30/04/2017 18:07:03 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00877 - 30/04/2017 18:07:01 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00878 - 30/04/2017 18:06:55 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00879 - 30/04/2017 18:06:46 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00880 - 30/04/2017 18:06:41 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00881 - 30/04/2017 18:06:33 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00882 - 30/04/2017 18:06:28 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00883 - 30/04/2017 18:06:22 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00884 - 30/04/2017 18:06:18 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00885 - 30/04/2017 18:06:13 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00886 - 30/04/2017 18:06:07 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00887 - 30/04/2017 18:05:52 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00888 - 30/04/2017 18:05:47 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00889 - 30/04/2017 18:05:26 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00890 - 30/04/2017 18:05:21 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00891 - 30/04/2017 18:05:06 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00892 - 30/04/2017 18:04:27 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00893 - 30/04/2017 18:04:23 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00894 - 30/04/2017 18:04:08 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00895 - 30/04/2017 18:04:03 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00896 - 30/04/2017 18:03:58 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00897 - 30/04/2017 18:03:56 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00898 - 30/04/2017 18:03:38 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00899 - 30/04/2017 18:03:34 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00900 - 30/04/2017 18:03:29 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00901 - 30/04/2017 18:03:23 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00902 - 30/04/2017 18:03:18 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00903 - 30/04/2017 18:03:14 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00904 - 30/04/2017 18:03:08 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00905 - 30/04/2017 18:02:57 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00906 - 30/04/2017 18:02:34 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00907 - 30/04/2017 18:02:29 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00908 - 30/04/2017 18:02:24 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00909 - 30/04/2017 18:02:14 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00910 - 30/04/2017 18:02:09 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00911 - 30/04/2017 18:01:59 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00912 - 30/04/2017 18:01:44 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00913 - 30/04/2017 18:01:38 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00914 - 30/04/2017 18:01:23 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00915 - 30/04/2017 18:01:11 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00916 - 30/04/2017 18:01:06 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00917 - 30/04/2017 18:00:41 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00918 - 30/04/2017 18:00:26 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00919 - 30/04/2017 18:00:23 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00920 - 30/04/2017 18:00:17 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00921 - 30/04/2017 18:00:08 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00922 - 30/04/2017 18:00:03 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00923 - 30/04/2017 17:59:56 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00924 - 30/04/2017 17:59:49 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00925 - 30/04/2017 17:59:43 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00926 - 30/04/2017 17:59:29 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00927 - 30/04/2017 17:59:27 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00928 - 30/04/2017 17:59:13 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00929 - 30/04/2017 17:58:47 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00930 - 30/04/2017 17:58:42 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00931 - 30/04/2017 17:58:15 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00932 - 30/04/2017 17:58:01 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00933 - 30/04/2017 17:57:40 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #00934 - 30/04/2017 17:57:40 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00935 - 30/04/2017 17:57:40 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 432, type:l
    #00936 - 30/04/2017 17:57:36 - Landroid start sequence
    #00937 - 30/04/2017 17:57:36 - Start button pressed
    #00938 - 30/04/2017 17:57:35 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #00939 - 30/04/2017 17:57:35 - Landroid in idle state 21.0°C 18.91 Volt
    #00940 - 30/04/2017 17:57:35 - Battery Charge End By Base! base Current: 0.0mA 21.0°C 18.91Volt
    #00941 - 30/04/2017 17:57:35 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 433, type:l
    #00942 - 30/04/2017 17:42:40 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #00943 - 30/04/2017 17:42:40 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 432, type:l
    #00944 - 30/04/2017 17:42:40 - [wifi] - Mqtt Connection Successful
    #00945 - 30/04/2017 17:42:34 - Battery Charge Started! 18.0°C 18.14Volt #6
    #00946 - 30/04/2017 17:42:34 - Landroid at home
    #00947 - 30/04/2017 17:42:31 - Landroid in idle state 18.0°C 17.93 Volt
    #00948 - 30/04/2017 17:42:31 - Total statistics: 181m, 19min, blade on time: 17min
    #00949 - 30/04/2017 17:42:31 - Current cut statistics: 0m, 0min, blade on time: 0min
    #00950 - 30/04/2017 17:42:31 - Stop button pressed
    #00951 - 30/04/2017 17:42:31 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00952 - 30/04/2017 17:42:27 - [wifi] - Connected
    #00953 - 30/04/2017 17:42:27 - Landroid start sequence
    #00954 - 30/04/2017 17:42:27 - Start button pressed
    #00955 - 30/04/2017 17:42:25 - Landroid in idle state 18.0°C 18.15 Volt
    #00956 - 30/04/2017 17:42:21 - [wifi] - Reset
    #00957 - 30/04/2017 17:42:21 - Power On v: 2.24
    #00958 - 30/04/2017 15:23:16 - Shutdown 18.19Volt
    #00959 - 30/04/2017 15:23:16 - Landroid idle shutdown timer
    #00960 - 30/04/2017 15:03:16 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #00961 - 30/04/2017 15:03:16 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 433, type:l
    #00962 - 30/04/2017 15:03:14 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #00963 - 30/04/2017 15:03:13 - Landroid in idle state 25.2°C 17.81 Volt
    #00964 - 30/04/2017 15:03:13 - Total statistics: 181m, 19min, blade on time: 17min
    #00965 - 30/04/2017 15:03:13 - Current cut statistics: 32m, 3min, blade on time: 3min
    #00966 - 30/04/2017 15:03:13 - Stop button pressed
    #00967 - 30/04/2017 15:03:13 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 431, type:l
    #00968 - 30/04/2017 15:02:53 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00969 - 30/04/2017 15:02:49 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00970 - 30/04/2017 15:02:05 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00971 - 30/04/2017 15:02:00 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00972 - 30/04/2017 15:01:53 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00973 - 30/04/2017 15:01:48 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00974 - 30/04/2017 15:01:41 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00975 - 30/04/2017 15:01:35 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00976 - 30/04/2017 15:00:59 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00977 - 30/04/2017 15:00:42 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00978 - 30/04/2017 15:00:15 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #00979 - 30/04/2017 15:00:15 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00980 - 30/04/2017 15:00:15 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 432, type:l
    #00981 - 30/04/2017 15:00:11 - Landroid start sequence
    #00982 - 30/04/2017 15:00:11 - Start button pressed
    #00983 - 30/04/2017 15:00:11 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #00984 - 30/04/2017 15:00:11 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 433, type:l
    #00985 - 30/04/2017 15:00:07 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #00986 - 30/04/2017 15:00:06 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 430, type:l
    #00987 - 30/04/2017 15:00:04 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #00988 - 30/04/2017 15:00:04 - Landroid in idle state 25.2°C 17.97 Volt
    #00989 - 30/04/2017 15:00:04 - Total statistics: 149m, 16min, blade on time: 14min
    #00990 - 30/04/2017 15:00:04 - Current cut statistics: 53m, 6min, blade on time: 6min
    #00991 - 30/04/2017 15:00:04 - Stop button pressed
    #00992 - 30/04/2017 15:00:04 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 430, type:l
    #00993 - 30/04/2017 14:59:27 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00994 - 30/04/2017 14:59:21 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00995 - 30/04/2017 14:58:46 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00996 - 30/04/2017 14:58:27 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00997 - 30/04/2017 14:58:14 - Landroid grass cutting
    #00998 - 30/04/2017 14:58:07 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #00999 - 30/04/2017 14:58:06 - Landroid grass cutting
    #01000 - 30/04/2017 14:57:59 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #01001 - 30/04/2017 14:57:57 - Landroid grass cutting
    #01002 - 30/04/2017 14:57:51 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #01003 - 30/04/2017 14:57:48 - Landroid grass cutting
    #01004 - 30/04/2017 14:57:43 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #01005 - 30/04/2017 14:57:35 - Landroid grass cutting
    #01006 - 30/04/2017 14:57:30 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #01007 - 30/04/2017 14:57:27 - Landroid grass cutting
    #01008 - 30/04/2017 14:57:02 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #01009 - 30/04/2017 14:56:58 - Landroid grass cutting
    #01010 - 30/04/2017 14:56:53 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #01011 - 30/04/2017 14:56:48 - Landroid grass cutting
    #01012 - 30/04/2017 14:56:34 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #01013 - 30/04/2017 14:56:20 - Landroid grass cutting
    #01014 - 30/04/2017 14:56:16 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #01015 - 30/04/2017 14:55:48 - Landroid grass cutting
    #01016 - 30/04/2017 14:55:43 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #01017 - 30/04/2017 14:55:33 - Landroid grass cutting
    #01018 - 30/04/2017 14:55:28 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #01019 - 30/04/2017 14:54:56 - Landroid grass cutting
    #01020 - 30/04/2017 14:54:51 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #01021 - 30/04/2017 14:54:46 - Landroid grass cutting
    #01022 - 30/04/2017 14:54:41 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #01023 - 30/04/2017 14:54:32 - Landroid grass cutting
    #01024 - 30/04/2017 14:54:27 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #01025 - 30/04/2017 14:54:24 - Landroid grass cutting
    #01026 - 30/04/2017 14:54:20 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #01027 - 30/04/2017 14:53:53 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #01028 - 30/04/2017 14:53:53 - Landroid grass cutting
    #01029 - 30/04/2017 14:53:53 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 431, type:l
    #01030 - 30/04/2017 14:53:49 - Landroid start sequence
    #01031 - 30/04/2017 14:53:49 - Start button pressed
    #01032 - 30/04/2017 14:53:49 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #01033 - 30/04/2017 14:53:49 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 431, type:l
    #01034 - 30/04/2017 14:47:29 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #01035 - 30/04/2017 14:47:29 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 429, type:l
    #01036 - 30/04/2017 14:47:25 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #01037 - 30/04/2017 14:47:25 - Landroid in idle state 25.9°C 18.21 Volt
    #01038 - 30/04/2017 14:47:25 - Total statistics: 96m, 10min, blade on time: 8min
    #01039 - 30/04/2017 14:47:25 - Current cut statistics: 21m, 2min, blade on time: 2min
    #01040 - 30/04/2017 14:47:25 - Stop button pressed
    #01041 - 30/04/2017 14:47:25 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 430, type:l
    #01042 - 30/04/2017 14:46:49 - Landroid grass cutting
    #01043 - 30/04/2017 14:46:33 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #01044 - 30/04/2017 14:46:25 - Landroid grass cutting
    #01045 - 30/04/2017 14:46:20 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #01046 - 30/04/2017 14:46:17 - Landroid grass cutting
    #01047 - 30/04/2017 14:46:12 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #01048 - 30/04/2017 14:46:04 - Landroid grass cutting
    #01049 - 30/04/2017 14:45:59 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #01050 - 30/04/2017 14:45:26 - Landroid grass cutting
    #01051 - 30/04/2017 14:45:20 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #01052 - 30/04/2017 14:45:20 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #01053 - 30/04/2017 14:45:20 - Landroid grass cutting
    #01054 - 30/04/2017 14:45:20 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 429, type:l
    #01055 - 30/04/2017 14:45:16 - Landroid start sequence
    #01056 - 30/04/2017 14:45:16 - Start button pressed
    #01057 - 30/04/2017 14:45:16 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #01058 - 30/04/2017 14:45:15 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 429, type:l
    #01059 - 30/04/2017 14:45:09 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #01060 - 30/04/2017 14:45:08 - Landroid Upside Down 36.5pitch-2.9roll
    #01061 - 30/04/2017 14:45:08 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 429, type:l
    #01062 - 30/04/2017 14:45:03 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #01063 - 30/04/2017 14:45:02 - Landroid in idle state 26.0°C 18.24 Volt
    #01064 - 30/04/2017 14:45:02 - Total statistics: 75m, 8min, blade on time: 6min
    #01065 - 30/04/2017 14:45:02 - Current cut statistics: 62m, 6min, blade on time: 6min
    #01066 - 30/04/2017 14:45:02 - !ERROR! trapped sensor timeout (3s)
    #01067 - 30/04/2017 14:45:02 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 430, type:l
    #01068 - 30/04/2017 14:44:32 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #01069 - 30/04/2017 14:44:28 - Landroid grass cutting
    #01070 - 30/04/2017 14:44:24 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #01071 - 30/04/2017 14:44:17 - Landroid grass cutting
    #01072 - 30/04/2017 14:44:12 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #01073 - 30/04/2017 14:43:49 - Landroid grass cutting
    #01074 - 30/04/2017 14:43:33 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #01075 - 30/04/2017 14:43:14 - Landroid grass cutting
    #01076 - 30/04/2017 14:43:09 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #01077 - 30/04/2017 14:42:16 - Landroid grass cutting
    #01078 - 30/04/2017 14:42:11 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #01079 - 30/04/2017 14:41:24 - Landroid grass cutting
    #01080 - 30/04/2017 14:41:18 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #01081 - 30/04/2017 14:41:15 - Landroid grass cutting
    #01082 - 30/04/2017 14:41:09 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #01083 - 30/04/2017 14:41:07 - Landroid grass cutting
    #01084 - 30/04/2017 14:41:03 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #01085 - 30/04/2017 14:40:46 - Landroid grass cutting
    #01086 - 30/04/2017 14:40:41 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #01087 - 30/04/2017 14:40:17 - Landroid grass cutting
    #01088 - 30/04/2017 14:40:11 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #01089 - 30/04/2017 14:39:47 - Landroid grass cutting
    #01090 - 30/04/2017 14:39:42 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #01091 - 30/04/2017 14:39:39 - Landroid grass cutting
    #01092 - 30/04/2017 14:39:34 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #01093 - 30/04/2017 14:39:32 - Landroid grass cutting
    #01094 - 30/04/2017 14:39:27 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #01095 - 30/04/2017 14:39:23 - Landroid grass cutting
    #01096 - 30/04/2017 14:39:19 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #01097 - 30/04/2017 14:39:12 - Landroid grass cutting
    #01098 - 30/04/2017 14:39:07 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #01099 - 30/04/2017 14:38:43 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #01100 - 30/04/2017 14:38:42 - Landroid grass cutting
    #01101 - 30/04/2017 14:38:42 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 430, type:l
    #01102 - 30/04/2017 14:38:39 - Landroid start sequence
    #01103 - 30/04/2017 14:38:39 - Start button pressed
    #01104 - 30/04/2017 14:38:34 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #01105 - 30/04/2017 14:38:34 - Landroid in idle state 25.8°C 19.05 Volt
    #01106 - 30/04/2017 14:38:34 - Battery Charge End By Base! base Current: 0.0mA 25.8°C 19.05Volt
    #01107 - 30/04/2017 14:38:34 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 430, type:l
    #01108 - 30/04/2017 14:38:26 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #01109 - 30/04/2017 14:38:25 - Battery Charge Started! 25.8°C 19.07Volt #5
    #01110 - 30/04/2017 14:38:25 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 430, type:l
    #01111 - 30/04/2017 14:38:25 - Landroid at home
    #01112 - 30/04/2017 14:38:25 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #01113 - 30/04/2017 14:38:24 - Landroid in idle state 25.8°C 19.08 Volt
    #01114 - 30/04/2017 14:38:24 - Battery Charge End By Base! base Current: 0.0mA 25.8°C 19.08Volt
    #01115 - 30/04/2017 14:38:24 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 430, type:l
    #01116 - 30/04/2017 14:36:10 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #01117 - 30/04/2017 14:36:10 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 430, type:l
    #01118 - 30/04/2017 14:36:10 - [wifi] - Mqtt Connection Successful
    #01119 - 30/04/2017 14:35:46 - [wifi] - Connected
    #01120 - 30/04/2017 14:35:45 - Battery Charge Started! 25.4°C 18.93Volt #4
    #01121 - 30/04/2017 14:35:45 - Landroid at home
    #01122 - 30/04/2017 14:35:45 - Landroid in idle state 25.4°C 18.94 Volt
    #01123 - 30/04/2017 14:35:41 - Firmware reloaded!
    #01124 - 30/04/2017 14:35:41 - [wifi] - Reset
    #01125 - 30/04/2017 14:35:41 - Power On v: 2.24
    #01126 - 30/04/2017 14:35:03 - Battery Charge Started! 25.3°C 15.04Volt #3
    #01127 - 30/04/2017 14:35:03 - [Usb] Firmware Upgrade Started
    #01128 - 30/04/2017 14:35:03 - Power On v: 2.24
    #01129 - 30/04/2017 14:35:03 - Shutdown 19.23Volt
    #01130 - 30/04/2017 14:35:03 - Power Off Button Pressed
    #01131 - 30/04/2017 14:34:42 - [wifi] - Connected
    #01132 - 30/04/2017 14:34:41 - Landroid at home
    #01133 - 30/04/2017 13:50:17 - Battery Charge Started! 17.7°C 14.04Volt #2
    #01134 - 30/04/2017 13:50:17 - Battery Trickle Charge Started! 17.9°C 8.84Volt
    #01135 - 30/04/2017 13:50:17 - [wifi] - Reset
    #01136 - 30/04/2017 13:50:17 - Power On v: 2.24
    #01137 - 30/04/2017 13:45:46 - [wifi] - Connected
    #01138 - 30/04/2017 13:45:46 - Landroid in idle state 17.9°C 11.44 Volt
    #01139 - 30/04/2017 13:45:41 - [wifi] - Reset
    #01140 - 30/04/2017 13:45:41 - Power On v: 2.24
    #01141 - 30/04/2017 12:08:25 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #01142 - 30/04/2017 12:08:25 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 429, type:l
    #01143 - 30/04/2017 12:08:25 - [wifi] - Mqtt Connection Successful
    #01144 - 30/04/2017 12:08:01 - [wifi] - Connected
    #01145 - 30/04/2017 12:08:00 - Landroid in idle state 16.0°C 15.05 Volt
    #01146 - 30/04/2017 12:07:56 - [wifi] - Reset
    #01147 - 30/04/2017 12:07:56 - Power On v: 2.24
    #01148 - 30/04/2017 12:07:51 - Shutdown 15.12Volt
    #01149 - 30/04/2017 12:07:51 - Power Off Button Pressed
    #01150 - 30/04/2017 12:07:36 - !ERROR! wire missing!
    #01151 - 30/04/2017 12:07:36 - Landroid in idle state 15.9°C 15.50 Volt
    #01152 - 30/04/2017 12:07:36 - Battery Charge End By Base! base Current: 43.5mA 15.9°C 15.50Volt
    #01153 - 30/04/2017 12:07:28 - [wifi] - Connected
    #01154 - 30/04/2017 12:07:27 - Landroid at home
    #01155 - 30/04/2017 12:07:08 - Battery Charge Started! 15.7°C 13.59Volt #1
    #01156 - 30/04/2017 12:07:08 - Battery Trickle Charge Started! 15.9°C 7.77Volt
    #01157 - 30/04/2017 12:07:08 - [wifi] - Reset
    #01158 - 30/04/2017 12:07:08 - Power On v: 2.24
    #01159 - 30/04/2017 12:06:37 - [wifi] - Connected
    #01160 - 30/04/2017 12:06:36 - Landroid in idle state 15.9°C 10.20 Volt
    #01161 - 30/04/2017 12:06:32 - [wifi] - Reset
    #01162 - 30/04/2017 12:06:32 - Power On v: 2.24
    #01163 - 30/04/2017 11:13:54 - [wifi] - Connected
    #01164 - 30/04/2017 11:13:53 - Landroid in idle state 14.6°C 9.71 Volt
    #01165 - 30/04/2017 11:13:49 - [wifi] - Reset
    #01166 - 30/04/2017 11:13:49 - Power On v: 2.24
    #01167 - 30/04/2017 10:48:01 - Landroid in idle state 13.9°C 8.65 Volt
    #01168 - 30/04/2017 10:47:57 - [wifi] - Reset
    #01169 - 30/04/2017 10:47:57 - Power On v: 2.24
    #01170 - 30/04/2017 10:44:36 - [wifi] - Reset
    #01171 - 30/04/2017 10:44:36 - Power On v: 2.24
    #01172 - 30/04/2017 10:43:58 - Power On v: 2.24
    #01173 - 30/04/2017 10:43:38 - [wifi] - Reset
    #01174 - 30/04/2017 10:43:38 - Power On v: 2.24
    #01175 - 30/04/2017 10:43:18 - Power On v: 2.24
    #01176 - 30/04/2017 10:43:04 - [wifi] - Reset
    #01177 - 30/04/2017 10:43:04 - Power On v: 2.24
    #01178 - 30/04/2017 10:42:40 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #01179 - 30/04/2017 10:42:39 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 427, type:l
    #01180 - 30/04/2017 10:42:39 - [wifi] - Mqtt Connection Successful
    #01181 - 30/04/2017 10:42:15 - [wifi] - Connected
    #01182 - 30/04/2017 10:42:15 - Battery Trickle Charge Started! 13.6°C 12.38Volt
    #01183 - 30/04/2017 10:42:15 - Landroid at home
    #01184 - 30/04/2017 10:42:14 - Landroid in idle state 13.6°C 12.50 Volt
    #01185 - 30/04/2017 10:42:11 - [wifi] - Reset
    #01186 - 30/04/2017 10:42:11 - Power On v: 2.24
    #01187 - 30/04/2017 08:48:46 - Battery Trickle Charge Started! 10.2°C 7.31Volt
    #01188 - 30/04/2017 08:48:46 - Landroid at home
    #01189 - 30/04/2017 08:48:46 - Landroid in idle state 10.2°C 8.46 Volt
    #01190 - 30/04/2017 08:48:42 - [wifi] - Reset
    #01191 - 30/04/2017 08:48:42 - Power On v: 2.24
    #01192 - 30/04/2017 08:48:29 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #01193 - 30/04/2017 08:48:29 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 428, type:l
    #01194 - 30/04/2017 08:48:28 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #01195 - 30/04/2017 08:48:28 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 428, type:l
    #01196 - 30/04/2017 08:48:28 - [wifi] - Mqtt Connection Successful
    #01197 - 30/04/2017 08:48:03 - [wifi] - Connected
    #01198 - 30/04/2017 08:48:02 - Landroid in idle state 10.1°C 12.11 Volt
    #01199 - 30/04/2017 08:47:58 - [wifi] - Reset
    #01200 - 30/04/2017 08:47:58 - Power On v: 2.24
    #01201 - 30/04/2017 08:47:52 - Shutdown 12.33Volt
    #01202 - 30/04/2017 08:47:52 - Power Off Button Pressed
    #01203 - 30/04/2017 08:47:27 - [wifi] - Connected
    #01204 - 30/04/2017 08:47:26 - Landroid in idle state 10.1°C 13.86 Volt
    #01205 - 30/04/2017 08:47:22 - [wifi] - Reset
    #01206 - 30/04/2017 08:47:22 - Power On v: 2.24
    #01207 - 30/04/2017 08:47:18 - Shutdown 13.97Volt
    #01208 - 30/04/2017 08:47:18 - Power Off Button Pressed
    #01209 - 30/04/2017 08:47:05 - [wifi] - Connected
    #01210 - 30/04/2017 08:47:02 - Landroid in idle state 10.0°C 14.39 Volt
    #01211 - 30/04/2017 08:46:59 - [wifi] - Reset
    #01212 - 30/04/2017 08:46:59 - Power On v: 2.24
    #01213 - 29/04/2017 18:25:44 - [wifi] - Connected
    #01214 - 29/04/2017 18:25:44 - Battery Trickle Charge Started! 15.0°C 8.62Volt
    #01215 - 29/04/2017 18:25:44 - Landroid at home
    #01216 - 29/04/2017 18:25:43 - Landroid in idle state 15.0°C 8.84 Volt
    #01217 - 29/04/2017 18:25:40 - [wifi] - Reset
    #01218 - 29/04/2017 18:25:40 - Power On v: 2.24
    #01219 - 29/04/2017 18:24:39 - [wifi] - Connected
    #01220 - 29/04/2017 18:24:39 - Battery Trickle Charge Started! 15.0°C 9.87Volt
    #01221 - 29/04/2017 18:24:39 - Landroid at home
    #01222 - 29/04/2017 18:24:38 - Landroid in idle state 15.0°C 10.08 Volt
    #01223 - 29/04/2017 18:24:34 - [wifi] - Reset
    #01224 - 29/04/2017 18:24:34 - Power On v: 2.24
    #01225 - 29/04/2017 18:22:15 - [wifi] - Connected
    #01226 - 29/04/2017 18:22:15 - Battery Trickle Charge Started! 15.0°C 8.49Volt
    #01227 - 29/04/2017 18:22:15 - Landroid at home
    #01228 - 29/04/2017 18:22:15 - Landroid in idle state 15.0°C 8.66 Volt
    #01229 - 29/04/2017 18:22:11 - [wifi] - Reset
    #01230 - 29/04/2017 18:22:11 - Power On v: 2.24
    #01231 - 29/04/2017 18:21:54 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #01232 - 29/04/2017 18:21:53 - Landroid in idle state 15.0°C 8.78 Volt
    #01233 - 29/04/2017 18:21:53 - Total statistics: 14m, 2min, blade on time: 0min
    #01234 - 29/04/2017 18:21:53 - Current cut statistics: 1m, 0min, blade on time: 0min
    #01235 - 29/04/2017 18:21:53 - !ERROR! trapped sensor timeout (3s)
    #01236 - 29/04/2017 18:21:53 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 429, type:l
    #01237 - 29/04/2017 18:21:43 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #01238 - 29/04/2017 18:21:42 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 428, type:l
    #01239 - 29/04/2017 18:21:42 - [wifi] - Mqtt Connection Successful
    #01240 - 29/04/2017 18:21:41 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #01241 - 29/04/2017 18:21:37 - Landroid searching wire
    #01242 - 29/04/2017 18:21:34 - Landroid start sequence
    #01243 - 29/04/2017 18:21:34 - Home button pressed
    #01244 - 29/04/2017 18:21:15 - [wifi] - Connected
    #01245 - 29/04/2017 18:21:14 - Landroid in idle state 14.9°C 13.66 Volt
    #01246 - 29/04/2017 18:21:11 - [wifi] - Reset
    #01247 - 29/04/2017 18:21:11 - Power On v: 2.24
    #01248 - 29/04/2017 18:18:25 - Shutdown 13.25Volt
    #01249 - 29/04/2017 18:18:25 - Power Off Button Pressed
    #01250 - 29/04/2017 18:18:15 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #01251 - 29/04/2017 18:18:15 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 430, type:l
    #01252 - 29/04/2017 18:18:15 - [wifi] - Mqtt Connection Successful
    #01253 - 29/04/2017 18:17:51 - [wifi] - Connected
    #01254 - 29/04/2017 18:17:50 - Landroid in idle state 15.0°C 14.25 Volt
    #01255 - 29/04/2017 18:17:47 - [wifi] - Reset
    #01256 - 29/04/2017 18:17:47 - Power On v: 2.24
    #01257 - 29/04/2017 18:17:42 - Shutdown 14.30Volt
    #01258 - 29/04/2017 18:17:42 - Power Off Button Pressed
    #01259 - 29/04/2017 18:17:39 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #01260 - 29/04/2017 18:17:39 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 428, type:l
    #01261 - 29/04/2017 18:17:39 - [wifi] - Mqtt Connection Successful
    #01262 - 29/04/2017 18:17:26 - [wifi] - Connected
    #01263 - 29/04/2017 18:17:25 - Landroid in idle state 15.0°C 14.51 Volt
    #01264 - 29/04/2017 18:17:21 - [wifi] - Reset
    #01265 - 29/04/2017 18:17:21 - Power On v: 2.24
    #01266 - 29/04/2017 18:17:17 - Shutdown 14.54Volt
    #01267 - 29/04/2017 18:17:17 - Power Off Button Pressed
    #01268 - 29/04/2017 18:17:11 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #01269 - 29/04/2017 18:17:10 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 429, type:l
    #01270 - 29/04/2017 18:17:10 - [wifi] - Mqtt Connection Successful
    #01271 - 29/04/2017 18:16:57 - [wifi] - Connected
    #01272 - 29/04/2017 18:16:55 - Landroid in idle state 14.9°C 14.77 Volt
    #01273 - 29/04/2017 18:16:51 - [wifi] - Reset
    #01274 - 29/04/2017 18:16:51 - Power On v: 2.24
    #01275 - 29/04/2017 14:00:36 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #01276 - 29/04/2017 14:00:35 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 430, type:l
    #01277 - 29/04/2017 14:00:35 - [wifi] - Mqtt Connection Successful
    #01278 - 29/04/2017 14:00:12 - [wifi] - Connected
    #01279 - 29/04/2017 14:00:11 - Landroid in idle state 24.6°C 16.16 Volt
    #01280 - 29/04/2017 14:00:07 - [wifi] - Reset
    #01281 - 29/04/2017 14:00:07 - Power On v: 2.24
    #01282 - 29/04/2017 12:39:57 - Shutdown 15.83Volt
    #01283 - 29/04/2017 12:39:57 - Landroid idle shutdown timer
    #01284 - 29/04/2017 12:38:04 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #01285 - 29/04/2017 12:38:04 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 430, type:r
    #01286 - 29/04/2017 12:20:27 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #01287 - 29/04/2017 12:20:26 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 430, type:l
    #01288 - 29/04/2017 12:20:26 - [wifi] - Mqtt Connection Successful
    #01289 - 29/04/2017 12:20:01 - [wifi] - Connected
    #01290 - 29/04/2017 12:20:00 - Landroid in idle state 24.2°C 16.75 Volt
    #01291 - 29/04/2017 12:19:56 - [wifi] - Reset
    #01292 - 29/04/2017 12:19:56 - Power On v: 2.24
    #01293 - 29/04/2017 12:19:53 - Shutdown 16.72Volt
    #01294 - 29/04/2017 12:19:53 - Power Off Button Pressed
    #01295 - 29/04/2017 12:19:38 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #01296 - 29/04/2017 12:19:37 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 430, type:l
    #01297 - 29/04/2017 12:19:35 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #01298 - 29/04/2017 12:19:35 - Landroid in idle state 24.2°C 16.13 Volt
    #01299 - 29/04/2017 12:19:35 - Total statistics: 13m, 2min, blade on time: 0min
    #01300 - 29/04/2017 12:19:35 - Current cut statistics: 7m, 0min, blade on time: 0min
    #01301 - 29/04/2017 12:19:35 - Stop button pressed
    #01302 - 29/04/2017 12:19:35 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 430, type:l
    #01303 - 29/04/2017 12:19:31 - Landroid following wire
    #01304 - 29/04/2017 12:19:26 - Landroid searching wire
    #01305 - 29/04/2017 12:19:26 - [Battery LOW] homing req, status: 24.1°C 15.79Volt
    #01306 - 29/04/2017 12:19:26 - Landroid grass cutting
    #01307 - 29/04/2017 12:19:22 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #01308 - 29/04/2017 12:19:22 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 426, type:l
    #01309 - 29/04/2017 12:19:22 - [wifi] - Mqtt Connection Successful
    #01310 - 29/04/2017 12:19:22 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #01311 - 29/04/2017 12:19:02 - Landroid grass cutting
    #01312 - 29/04/2017 12:18:58 - Landroid start sequence
    #01313 - 29/04/2017 12:18:58 - Start button pressed
    #01314 - 29/04/2017 12:18:57 - [wifi] - Connected
    #01315 - 29/04/2017 12:18:55 - Landroid in idle state 24.0°C 16.97 Volt
    #01316 - 29/04/2017 12:18:52 - [wifi] - Reset
    #01317 - 29/04/2017 12:18:52 - Power On v: 2.24
    #01318 - 29/04/2017 12:18:47 - Shutdown 16.96Volt
    #01319 - 29/04/2017 12:18:47 - Power Off Button Pressed
    #01320 - 29/04/2017 12:18:17 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #01321 - 29/04/2017 12:18:17 - Landroid in idle state 24.0°C 16.59 Volt
    #01322 - 29/04/2017 12:18:17 - Total statistics: 6m, 2min, blade on time: 0min
    #01323 - 29/04/2017 12:18:17 - Current cut statistics: 6m, 2min, blade on time: 0min
    #01324 - 29/04/2017 12:18:17 - Stop button pressed
    #01325 - 29/04/2017 12:18:17 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 429, type:l
    #01326 - 29/04/2017 12:18:10 - Landroid following wire
    #01327 - 29/04/2017 12:18:09 - Landroid searching home
    #01328 - 29/04/2017 12:17:58 - Landroid following wire
    #01329 - 29/04/2017 12:17:58 - Landroid searching home
    #01330 - 29/04/2017 12:17:41 - Landroid following wire
    #01331 - 29/04/2017 12:17:41 - Landroid searching home
    #01332 - 29/04/2017 12:17:34 - Landroid following wire
    #01333 - 29/04/2017 12:17:34 - Landroid searching home
    #01334 - 29/04/2017 12:17:13 - Landroid following wire
    #01335 - 29/04/2017 12:17:12 - Landroid searching home
    #01336 - 29/04/2017 12:17:06 - Landroid following wire
    #01337 - 29/04/2017 12:17:06 - Landroid searching home
    #01338 - 29/04/2017 12:17:02 - Landroid following wire
    #01339 - 29/04/2017 12:17:00 - Landroid searching home
    #01340 - 29/04/2017 12:16:55 - Landroid following wire
    #01341 - 29/04/2017 12:16:54 - Landroid searching home
    #01342 - 29/04/2017 12:16:48 - Landroid following wire
    #01343 - 29/04/2017 12:16:47 - Landroid searching home
    #01344 - 29/04/2017 12:16:43 - Landroid following wire
    #01345 - 29/04/2017 12:16:43 - Landroid searching home
    #01346 - 29/04/2017 12:16:39 - Landroid following wire
    #01347 - 29/04/2017 12:16:37 - Landroid searching home
    #01348 - 29/04/2017 12:16:32 - Landroid following wire
    #01349 - 29/04/2017 12:16:30 - Landroid searching home
    #01350 - 29/04/2017 12:16:25 - Landroid following wire
    #01351 - 29/04/2017 12:16:23 - Landroid searching home
    #01352 - 29/04/2017 12:16:12 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #01353 - 29/04/2017 12:16:12 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 428, type:r
    #01354 - 29/04/2017 12:16:08 - Landroid following wire
    #01355 - 29/04/2017 12:16:04 - Landroid searching wire
    #01356 - 29/04/2017 12:16:04 - [Battery LOW] homing req, status: 23.8°C 16.66Volt
    #01357 - 29/04/2017 12:16:03 - Landroid grass cutting
    #01358 - 29/04/2017 12:15:58 - Landroid trapped recovery procedure:
    #01359 - 29/04/2017 12:15:43 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #01360 - 29/04/2017 12:15:43 - Landroid grass cutting
    #01361 - 29/04/2017 12:15:43 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 430, type:l
    #01362 - 29/04/2017 12:15:39 - Landroid start sequence
    #01363 - 29/04/2017 12:15:39 - Start button pressed
    #01364 - 29/04/2017 12:15:39 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #01365 - 29/04/2017 12:15:39 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 430, type:l
    #01366 - 29/04/2017 12:15:31 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #01367 - 29/04/2017 12:15:31 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 430, type:r
    #01368 - 29/04/2017 12:15:27 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #01369 - 29/04/2017 12:15:27 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 430, type:r
    #01370 - 29/04/2017 12:15:22 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #01371 - 29/04/2017 12:15:22 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 430, type:r
    #01372 - 29/04/2017 12:15:03 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #01373 - 29/04/2017 12:15:03 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 430, type:r
    #01374 - 29/04/2017 12:15:03 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #01375 - 29/04/2017 12:15:03 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 430, type:r
    #01376 - 29/04/2017 12:14:57 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #01377 - 29/04/2017 12:14:57 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 430, type:r
    #01378 - 21/04/2017 09:05:58 - [wifi] - mqtt message sent successful
    #01379 - 21/04/2017 09:05:58 - [wifi] - sending mqtt message payload: 430, type:l
    #01380 - 21/04/2017 09:05:58 - [wifi] - Mqtt Connection Successful
    #01381 - 21/04/2017 09:05:45 - [wifi] - Connected
    #01382 - 21/04/2017 09:05:42 - [wifi] - Reset
    #01383 - 21/04/2017 09:05:26 - [wifi] - Connected
    #01384 - 21/04/2017 09:05:24 - Landroid in idle state 23.8°C 17.25 Volt
    #01385 - 21/04/2017 09:05:21 - [wifi] - Reset
    #01386 - 21/04/2017 09:05:21 - Power On v: 2.24
    #01387 - 21/04/2017 09:03:43 - Shutdown 17.22Volt
    #01388 - 21/04/2017 09:03:43 - Power Off Button Pressed
    #01389 - 21/04/2017 09:03:40 - Landroid Upside Down -36.1pitch-5.0roll
    #01390 - 21/04/2017 09:02:44 - [wifi] - Connected
    #01391 - 21/04/2017 09:02:40 - [wifi] - Reset
    #01392 - 21/04/2017 09:02:37 - Landroid in idle state 23.8°C 17.23 Volt
    #01393 - 21/04/2017 09:00:00 - [wifi] - fw Upgrade End, fw version: 4.2
    #01394 - 21/04/2017 09:00:00 - [wifi] - fw Upgrade Started, wifi current version: 0.0
    #01395 - 21/04/2017 09:00:00 - Power On v: 2.24
    #02153 - 25/03/1979 01:39:20 - Log Missing/Empty
    #02343 - 05/02/1979 07:54:48 - Log Missing/Empty
    #02344 - 05/02/1979 07:54:48 - Log Missing/Empty
    #02345 - 27/01/1979 05:27:36 - Log Missing/Empty
    #02346 - 15/01/1979 02:11:20 - Log Missing/Empty
    #02347 - 07/03/1979 16:05:28 - Log Missing/Empty
    #02348 - 07/03/1979 16:05:28 - Log Missing/Empty
    #02349 - 27/01/1979 05:27:36 - Log Missing/Empty
    #02350 - 15/01/1979 02:11:20 - Log Missing/Empty
    #02351 - 01/03/1979 16:43:52 - Log Missing/Empty
    #02352 - 14/02/1979 12:38:32 - Log Missing/Empty
    #02353 - 15/01/1979 02:11:20 - Log Missing/Empty
    #02354 - 25/03/1979 23:16:24 - Log Missing/Empty
    #02355 - 25/03/1979 23:16:24 - Log Missing/Empty
    #02356 - 17/02/1979 13:27:36 - Log Missing/Empty
    #02357 - 15/01/1979 02:11:20 - Log Missing/Empty
    #02358 - 15/01/1979 02:11:20 - Log Missing/Empty
    #02359 - 15/01/1979 02:11:20 - Log Missing/Empty
    #02360 - 15/01/1979 02:11:20 - Log Missing/Empty
    #02361 - 31/08/1978 13:23:43 - Landroid in idle state 25.4°C 19.73 Volt
    #02362 - 31/08/1978 13:23:43 - Total statistics: 22m, 0min, blade on time: 0min
    #02363 - 31/08/1978 13:23:43 - Current cut statistics: 2m, 0min, blade on time: 0min
    #02364 - 31/08/1978 13:23:43 - Stop button pressed
    #02365 - 10/08/1978 07:40:15 - Landroid grass cutting
    #02366 - 29/07/1978 04:23:59 - Landroid start sequence
    #02367 - 29/07/1978 04:23:59 - Start button pressed
    #02368 - 10/07/1978 23:29:35 - Landroid in idle state 25.0°C 19.89 Volt
    #02369 - 07/11/1975 00:08:36 - Log Missing/Empty
    #02370 - 30/09/1978 21:34:23 - Landroid in idle state 25.1°C 19.86 Volt
    #02371 - 30/09/1978 21:34:23 - Total statistics: 21m, 0min, blade on time: 0min
    #02372 - 30/09/1978 21:34:23 - Current cut statistics: 1m, 0min, blade on time: 0min
    #02373 - 30/09/1978 21:34:23 - Stop button pressed
    #02374 - 31/08/1978 13:23:43 - Landroid grass cutting
    #02375 - 16/08/1978 09:18:23 - Landroid start sequence
    #02376 - 16/08/1978 09:18:23 - Start button pressed
    #02377 - 20/07/1978 01:56:47 - !ERROR! wire missing!
    #02378 - 10/07/1978 23:29:35 - Landroid in idle state 24.9°C 19.95 Volt
    #02379 - 18/09/1978 18:18:07 - Power On v: 1.29
    #02380 - 01/08/1978 05:13:03 - Landroid grass cutting
    #02381 - 23/07/1978 02:45:51 - Landroid start sequence
    #02382 - 23/07/1978 02:45:51 - Start button pressed
    #02383 - 10/07/1978 23:29:35 - Landroid in idle state 24.9°C 19.97 Volt
    #02384 - 07/11/1975 00:08:36 - Log Missing/Empty
    #02385 - 27/11/1978 15:23:11 - Shutdown 18.21Volt
    #02386 - 27/11/1978 15:23:11 - Power Off Button Pressed
    #02387 - 15/11/1978 12:06:55 - Battery Charge End By Base! base Current: 25.4°C 18.21Volt
    #02388 - 15/11/1978 12:06:55 - Landroid in idle state 25.4°C 18.21 Volt
    #02389 - 28/10/1978 07:12:31 - Battery Charge Started! 25.5°C 18.09Volt #1
    #02390 - 28/10/1978 07:12:31 - Landroid at home
    #02391 - 28/10/1978 07:12:31 - Landroid in idle state 25.9°C 17.97 Volt
    #02392 - 28/10/1978 07:12:31 - Total statistics: 20m, 0min, blade on time: 0min
    #02393 - 28/10/1978 07:12:31 - Current cut statistics: 6m, 0min, blade on time: 0min
    #02394 - 28/10/1978 07:12:31 - Stop button pressed
    #02395 - 31/08/1978 15:40:15 - Landroid searching wire
    #02396 - 19/08/1978 12:23:59 - Landroid start sequence
    #02397 - 19/08/1978 12:23:59 - Home button pressed
    #02398 - 29/07/1978 06:40:31 - rain detected!
    #02399 - 29/07/1978 06:40:31 - Landroid in idle state 25.8°C 18.04 Volt
    #02400 - 29/07/1978 06:40:31 - Total statistics: 14m, 0min, blade on time: 0min
    #02401 - 29/07/1978 06:40:31 - Current cut statistics: 5m, 0min, blade on time: 0min
    #02402 - 29/07/1978 06:40:31 - Stop button pressed
    #02403 - 23/07/1978 05:02:23 - Landroid following wire
    #02404 - 23/07/1978 05:02:23 - Landroid searching wire
    #02405 - 23/07/1978 05:02:23 - [Raining] homing req, battery 25.9°C 17.98Volt
    #02406 - 06/12/1978 16:42:07 - Landroid grass cutting
    #02407 - 24/11/1978 13:25:51 - Landroid start sequence
    #02408 - 24/11/1978 13:25:51 - Start button pressed
    #02409 - 15/11/1978 10:58:39 - Landroid in idle state 25.4°C 18.22 Volt
    #02410 - 15/11/1978 10:58:39 - Total statistics: 9m, 0min, blade on time: 0min
    #02411 - 15/11/1978 10:58:39 - Current cut statistics: 9m, 0min, blade on time: 0min
    #02412 - 15/11/1978 10:58:39 - Still Lifted after lift recovery!
    #02413 - 31/10/1978 06:53:19 - Landroid lift recovery procedure
    #02414 - 04/08/1978 07:10:23 - Landroid grass cutting
    #02415 - 26/07/1978 04:43:11 - Landroid start sequence
    #02416 - 26/07/1978 04:43:11 - Start button pressed
    #02417 - 24/09/1978 19:56:15 - Landroid in idle state 25.4°C 18.27 Volt
    #02418 - 31/10/1978 05:45:03 - Firmware reloaded!
    #02419 - 31/10/1978 05:45:03 - Power On v: 1.29
    #02420 - 07/11/1975 00:08:36 - Log Missing/Empty
    #02421 - 07/11/1975 00:08:36 - Log Missing/Empty

    Ho dovuto cancellare qualche riga ma erano tutte identiche di - Log Missing/Empty



    CITAZIONE (Cay Paul @ 15/5/2017, 16:45) 
    Sicuramente il prezzo è competitivo, ma se non ho visto male da Leroy Merlin costa 799€
    Un Husquavrna Automowe 105 su internet, compreso base di carica e kit installazione sei a 1250€........

    C'è quindi differenza, ma secondo me non così si pensa ad una macchina che deve durare per un lungo periodo.

    Ciao Cay, la differenza di prezzo è ben più rilevante se compri entrambi i robot nel nostro paese per evitare qualsiasi inconveniente legato al discorso garanzia Europa/Italia.. in alcuni siti di distributori autorizzati italiani ho trovato spesso frasi che destano qualche perplessità: "Attenzione: diversi siti offrono prodotti d'importazione che non hanno garanzia e assistenza nel nostro paese..." oppure "abbiamo ricevuto comunicazione direttamente dal distributore italiano Robomow, Ama s.p.a. che alcuni siti apparentemente italiani vendono merce di importazione a prezzi ribassati non coperti da Garanzia Italia. In caso di guasto l'assistenza Robomow Italia non risponde. Robomow Italia sconsiglia di fare acquisti da tali siti. Solo i prodotti acquistati da Rivenditori Autorizzati godranno di assistenza e garanzia.."
    A titolo informativo ho scritto 15 giorni fa ad un sito internet (ABclick) per avere deluciazioni in merito ad un'offerta allettante su Gardena Sileno. Risultato? Per ora non mi hanno minimamente cacato di striscio! :hmm.gif:
    Affidandosi ai canali tradizionali:
    1)Offerta Leroy - Worx 500S (se non erro scadeva ieri): 599 euro con kit installazione incluso (invece di 799), a cui io avrei aggiunto uno sconto tessera Leroy 10% -> 540 euro in totale!
    2)Offerta primavera Husqvarna 105 (ho in mano 3 preventivi e nessun rivenditore ha praticato sconti extra): 1340 euro (invece di 1488) + 160/185 euro kit installazione (cavo perimetrale e accessori) ->1500 euro. Costo dell'eventuale installazione: 200 euro.
    Direi che le differenze sono tutt'altro che trascurabili.
    Detto questo, personalmente non considero assolutamento un buon investimento il Worx S acquistato a prezzo pieno (800 euro), men che meno per un utente che non vuole sbattimenti o che, come te, è spesso via di casa. Il prodotto è valido, ma assolutamente non maturo, serve pazienza.



    CITAZIONE (Fringui75 @ 15/5/2017, 19:16) 
    Ed ecco il log completo che ha memorizzato..
    Ho notato che ha un buffer e l'ha già superato, quindi le righe non arrivano
    più a zero come nei primi...
    Batteria carica a 20.5 ma lettura differente nei mA

    Log bello corposo, però non mi sembra di rilevare nulla che possa far intuire cosa si celi dietro al malfunzionamento che hai menzionato.
    Ps: i "colpetti" di ricarica sono davvero molto molto ravvicinati!

    Sbaglio o il picco dei 20,5v è stato raggiunto solo quando hai forzato la ricarica in "manuale" mentre in "automatico" i valori sono risultati ben più bassi? Ma è la ricarica che ad un certo punto viene proprio interrotta o è l'alimentatore che fatica a caricare perchè "tirato"? In "automatico" sai se per caso continua ad essere alimentato il cavo guida, cosa che magari non avviene in "manuale"?

    Edited by IngMaxim - 16/5/2017, 12:14



    CITAZIONE (IngMaxim @ 16/5/2017, 11:40) 
    CITAZIONE (Cay Paul @ 15/5/2017, 16:45) 
    Sicuramente il prezzo è competitivo, ma se non ho visto male da Leroy Merlin costa 799€
    Un Husquavrna Automowe 105 su internet, compreso base di carica e kit installazione sei a 1250€........

    C'è quindi differenza, ma secondo me non così si pensa ad una macchina che deve durare per un lungo periodo.

    Ciao Cay, la differenza di prezzo è ben più rilevante se compri entrambi i robot nel nostro paese per evitare qualsiasi inconveniente legato al discorso garanzia Europa/Italia.. in alcuni siti di distributori autorizzati italiani ho trovato spesso frasi che destano qualche perplessità: "Attenzione: diversi siti offrono prodotti d'importazione che non hanno garanzia e assistenza nel nostro paese..." oppure "abbiamo ricevuto comunicazione direttamente dal distributore italiano Robomow, Ama s.p.a. che alcuni siti apparentemente italiani vendono merce di importazione a prezzi ribassati non coperti da Garanzia Italia. In caso di guasto l'assistenza Robomow Italia non risponde. Robomow Italia sconsiglia di fare acquisti da tali siti. Solo i prodotti acquistati da Rivenditori Autorizzati godranno di assistenza e garanzia.."
    A titolo informativo ho scritto 15 giorni fa ad un sito internet (ABclick) per avere deluciazioni in merito ad un'offerta allettante su Gardena Sileno. Risultato? Per ora non mi hanno minimamente cacato di striscio! :hmm.gif:
    Affidandosi ai canali tradizionali:
    1)Offerta Leroy - Worx 500S (se non erro scadeva ieri): 599 euro con kit installazione incluso (invece di 799), a cui io avrei aggiunto uno sconto tessera Leroy 10% -> 540 euro in totale!
    2)Offerta primavera Husqvarna 105 (ho in mano 3 preventivi e nessun rivenditore ha praticato sconti extra): 1340 euro (invece di 1488) + 160/185 euro kit installazione (cavo perimetrale e accessori) ->1500 euro. Costo dell'eventuale installazione: 200 euro.
    Direi che le differenze sono tutt'altro che trascurabili.
    Detto questo, personalmente non considero assolutamento un buon investimento il Worx S acquistato a prezzo pieno (800 euro), men che meno per un utente che non vuole sbattimenti o che, come te, è spesso via di casa. Il prodotto è valido, ma assolutamente non maturo, serve pazienza.

    Se non vedo male oggi da Leroy Merlin costa 799€

    A questo punto se uno vuole ripsrmiare, tutta la vita il Gardena.....è un Automower con scocca brandizzata.....

    300€ in più ma anche tante certezze in più.
    Non sempre chi meno spende fa tutto questo grande affare.....

    Altrimenti da Fringui, non adrebbe nessuno a comprare venderebbero solo serramenti polacchi o rumeni da Leroy Merlin o da Bricoman



    Se per caso a qualcuno interessasse, ho mandato questa mattina una mail a quella ditta svedese che vende i robot Husquvarna a ottimi prezzi.
    Ecco la risposta in merito al discorso garanzia.

    The warranty is global. It is valid in Italy!
    Best regards,

    Med vänlig hälsning
    Mattias Larsson
    GPL AB
    Ringögatan 16
    422 46 Hisings Backa
    Tel +46 31 24 30 15
    Fax +46 31 52 42 92

    Ho visto che sono un rivenditore ufficiale, e quindi non penso ci debbano essere particolari problematiche in merito alla garanzia....
    Hanno anche questo sito

    Ed infatti sul sito Husqvarna sono presenti come Göteborgs Entreprenadbutik AB

    Edited by Cay Paul - 16/5/2017, 15:08
158 replies since 28/4/2017, 16:21   11063 views